Gaming News

Sudeki PC Review has posted their review of Sudeki, giving the newly released PC version of the RPG an overall score of 62 Their conclusion: Sudeki isn’t in the same league as Japanese RPGs such as Final Fantasy VII and Tales Of…

SWG: The Total Experience Announced

LucasArts has announced an upcoming compilation pack for Star Wars Galaxies entitled “The Total Experience”, which will include the original MMORPG, as well as the Jump to Lightspeed and Rage of the Wookiees expansions. The full announcement: Star Wars fans…

The RPGs of E3 2005

Computer Games Magazine has taken a quick look at the RPGs that are expected to be shown at this year’s E3 event. Included on their list are titles such as Dungeon Siege II, Neverwinter Nights 2, and Hellgate: London. An…

World of Warcraft Tips of the Week #20

RPG Vault is offering up some additional advice to aid you in your travels through Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. The twentieth installment discusses playing a Paladin and choosing your equipment for the role of a knight. A snip: The Paladin…

Champions: Return to Arms Reviews

A trio of new reviews for Sony and Snowblind’s Champions: Return to Arms hit the web over the past week. The first is at GamersMark with an overall score of 7.8/10: True, Return to Arms could have been better, but…

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes Interview

Warcry has published an interview with Sigil Games’ Travis Williams, in which the Vanguard: Saga of Heroes senior producer talks candidly about the upcoming MMORPG. An excerpt: Q: Travis has extensive experience building worlds with White Wolf (creators of the…

Dungeon Lords Preview

RPGamer has put together a preview of Dungeon Lords, the upcoming action RPG from DreamCatcher and Heuristic Park. Take a look: Since the player character has no specified trait, except for perhaps that inherent Manifest Destiny that all main characters…

Guild Wars Screenshots #25

The guys at RPG Vault have tossed up another batch of screenshots for ArenaNet’s Guild Wars, this time depicting a war-torn Ascalon City.

Jade Empire Reviews

A handful of new reviews for BioWare’s Jade Empire have surfaced, although they’re not all entirely positive. The first is at Netjak with an overall score of 8.0/10: All ethnic issues aside, Jade Empire manages to put forth an tight,…