Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he’s not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.
new skyrim cheat

New Skyrim Cheat Allows Infinite Armor Enchants

A newly discovered Skyrim cheat allows for infinite armor enchants. What’s the old saying? Cheaters never prosper? Well in Skyrim, this proverb isn’t necessarily true. A simple Google search for “Skyrim cheats” will turn up tons of links devoted to the many…

Dwemer Sphere Pet

ESO Rewards 6-Month Subscribers With Dwemer Sphere

The second ESO subscriber loyalty program award has been released. Today, The Elder Scrolls Online development team released its second subscriber loyalty program award: a Dwemer Sphere vanity pet. This special reward was issued  to all active 6-month subscribers, and players…

skyrim mash-up pack

Skyrim Mash-Up Coming To PlayStation Minecraft

Skyrim Mash-Up to be released for PlayStation consoles. Last year around this time we covered the Skyrim/Minecraft crossover that was released for the Xbox 360. Well fans, hold on to your Dragonborn helmets, because Bethesda and Mojang are working together again…

dragonborn helmet

A Master Armorer Creates A Real Dragonborn Helmet

A master armorer creates a real Dragonborn helmet, and it’s even cooler than you think. Baltimore Knife and Sword creates stage and combat weapons for film, Broadway, and renaissance festivals throughout the world. Recently, the company turned their attention to…

Project Skywind Featured

Project Skywind Screenshots By Andy Cull

Andy Cull, a good friend to the Skyrim Fansite, has recently published a gallery of amazing screenshots from project Skywind. Skywind, as you may know, is the ambitious project to recreate The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for a new generation by rebuilding the game from…

ESO subscriber loyalty program

ESO Subscriber Loyalty Program Begins Today

  Today marks the beginning of the ESO subscriber loyalty program. This afternoon, The Elder Scrolls Online declared that the ESO subscriber loyalty program officially begins. Emails were sent to all active subscribers. The loyalty program, first revealed last month, basically rewards members with…