World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft: Legion Demon Hunter Class Preview Video

Courtesy of a new three-minute preview video, we’re able to glean an updated perspective on the abilities and unique features that can be tapped into when playing the Demon Hunter class that’s being added in Blizzard’s World of Warcraft: Legion…

On MMORPG World Events

For his latest RPG Scrollbars column on Rock, Paper, Shotgun, Richard Cobbett has penned a piece on world-changing events in MMORPGs, which he considers one of the most interesting parts of an otherwise stagnant and theme park-focused genre. Here’s an…

2016’s Most Promising RPGs

We’re a bit behind with our coverage of Richard Cobbett’s RPG-focused columns for Rock, Paper, Shotgun, and I figure we might start catching up with his list of upcoming promising role-playing games for this year. Admittedly, I think the Special…

The March Toward Legion

As we continue to “march toward” Blizzard Entertainment’s launch of their highly anticipated World of Warcraft: Legion expansion pack, the team has taken to in order to talk about their pre-expansion patch plans, and what both owners and non-owners…

World of Warcraft: Legion Demon Hunter Class Preview

With World of Warcraft: Legion just over two months away from launch, it’s inevitable that we will see an increase in enthusiasm and general excitement from long-time players, as well as WoW-related features across the web. Such is the case…

World of Warcraft: Legion Interview

GameSpot recently chatted with World of Warcraft game director Tom Chilton and senior art director Chris Robinson about the venerable MMORPG’s upcoming Legion expansion pack and some of what it will bring to the table for new and old players…

World of Warcraft: Legion Release Date Announced

The folks at Blizzard Entertainment are finally ready to announce when players will be able to purchase and play the latest upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, Legion. The expansion will release on August 30th. I’ve embedded the press release, though, in…