Gaming News

Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter Preview

Computer Games Online has posted up a preview of the upcoming Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter expansion pack. Definitely going to be one of my must-buys when it’s released. Here’s a bit of what they had to say: In terms…

Morrowind Designer Diary

The sequel to The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, Morrowind, is supposed to be better in about every way imaginable, perhaps except bug count – a good thing if they make it happen. Voodoo Extreme posted a designer diary with one…

Arcanum Impressions

Looking somewhat like a combination between Fallout and the old Origin RPG based off of Ultima VI, Martian Dreams, the Arcanum Beta has begun. Now, I should qualify that remark. In no way does the game look as bad as…

Warcraft III Blurb and Screenshots

Gamecenter recently put up a short blurb on Blizzard’s Warcraft III accompanied with 6 colorful-as-ever pictures. Onward to the blurb or over to the screens, it’s your choice. You didn’t think that was it did you? A lotta mo’ comin’.…

Neverwinter Nights Preview

A nice ‘first look’ at Neverwinter Nights is at RPGPlanet and asks the question: is it possible for this game to be the closest yet to the style of freedom that we once knew while playing pen & paper RPG’s?…

Diablo II Expansion Preview

IGN has posted up a new preview of the upcoming expansion for Blizzard’s Diablo II. Here’s a small text bite: The main impression you’ll have upon entering the Highlands is that “you’re in a warzone.” While Diablo II definitely didn’t…

Rune Preview

For an excellent feature on the action/ nuevo-quasi-rpg-esque game nearly in stores, Rune, head over to here. It’s a full 13 page tear through the game covering the locations, action, multiplayer and you name it.

Sacrificial Screens

Do you believe in good graphics? Or are you pure gameplay? Let me guess, you want it all. Well, hopefully this title has both. You can find 18 beautiful new Sacrifice screenshots at at two convenient locations: For the…

Legendary Interview

A mysterious woman we know as Gel214th interviewed as many would say the “Father of Role-Playing Games”, Gary Gygax, at In a casual style, it covers some interesting ground, and goes a little like this: Looking down the line…

Arcanum Madness

While the sites out there are busily gathering their screenies and impressions of the recently started Arcanum beta test phase, Gamespot put together an introduction to the beta and to the game, and posted 25 new screenshots. Enter at your…