Gaming News

World of Warcraft Interview

Computer Games Magazine has published an interview with Blizzard Entertainment’s Shane Dabiri, in which the producer answers a batch of questions about the success of World of Warcraft in the US, Europe, and Korea. Here’s how the interview concludes: Q:…

The Matrix Online Preview

Boomtown is the latest website to dish up a preview of The Matrix Online, based upon some firsthand time they’ve spent with the sci-fi MMORPG. A snippet to follow: The mission system is fairly good, you choose your side then…

X-Men Legends II Coming This Year

By comparing two different press releases, IGN GameCube has determined that Activision and Raven’s X-Men Legends II should make it to store shelves by December. Check it out: A recent Marvel earnings report indicated that the sequel to Activision’s X-Men…

Dungeon Lords Screenshots #4

Eight new screenshots have been revealed in RPG Vault’s fourth installment to their Dungeon Lords media feature, this time featuring the sewers below the town of Fargrove.

The Bard’s Tale PC Preview

The guys at GameSpot had the chance to check out the upcoming PC version of The Bard’s Tale and have kicked up a preview based on their impressions. Here’s a bit to get you started: Of course, the other big…

BioWare & Irrational Games Team Up

The full press release: BioWare Corp. and Irrational Games are pleased to announce a co-marketing agreement for Irrational Games’ new release, Freedom Force® vs. The 3rd Reich. As part of BioWare’s continuing efforts to expand its online store (), BioWare…

World of Warcraft and the MMO(RPG) Market

Killer Betties has published an article entitled “World of Warcraft and the MMO(RPG) Market”, in which they offer their thoughts on why they feel Blizzard’s massively multiplayer title is not role-playing friendly. An excerpt: I suppose I had a point…

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which features some Tiger Shen concept art, a Player’s Resource Consortium update, and more. Straight from BioWare’s front page: Two new fighting style videos are up…

IGN PC’s Most Anticipated Games of 2005

IGN PC has released a comprehensive list of which games they’re anticipating the most in 2005, with the likes of D&D Online, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Dragonshard making the list. A snip about Turbine’s Dungeons & Dragons Online: Honestly,…

Star Wars: KotOR II Reviews

eToyChest and Game Vortex provide us with the latest reviews for LucasArts and Obsidians’ Star Wars: KotOR II. eToyChest has this to say (with no overall score): Despite a few bugs here and there (and one, solitary game-crasher), KotOR II…