Gaming News

A Parental Guide to Role Playing Games, Part One

GamerDad has released the first installment to a new editorial entitled “A Parental Guide to Role Playing Games”, in which they offer advice to parents whose children are interested in RPGs. Listen up: While RPGs are limited only to one’s…

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures Previews

Both IGN PC and GameSpot have released previews of Funcom’s newly announced RPG, Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures. A snip from IGN PC’s two-page article: Players begin as a slave, working and fighting their way to freedom in one of…

SWG: Rage of the Wookiees Preview

VIA Gamers has put together a preview of Star Wars Galaxies: Rage of the Wookiees, after spending some firsthand time with the expansion on the MMORPG’s test server. A paragraph to follow: All of the combat moves also now have…

Jade Empire Reviews

Several more online reviews for BioWare’s Jade Empire have been posted, most of which are on the positive side. The first is at ConsoleGameWorld with an overall score of 97%: Jade Empire is my personal favorite RPG on the Xbox…

Obsidian is Hiring!

Obsidian Entertainment’s official website has been updated with an announcement that a new position working as a QA Tester for Neverwinter Nights 2 is now available. According to the listing, this is not a beta testing position, but instead an…

GB Feature: Dragonshard Coverage & Interview

We’ve launched a new subsite dedicated to Atari and Liquid Entertainment’s upcoming RTS/RPG hybrid, Dragonshard, and have kicked it off with a three-page interview with designer Charley Price. A snip: Q: Other than Dragons, Beholders, and Minotaurs, what other fantastical…

Leipzig Game Convention Concert Music Revealed

Music 4 Games is reporting that the music from both Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura will be performed during the opening of the 2005 games convention in Leipzig, Germany. A snippet from their newsbit:…

Leipzig Game Convention Concert Music Revealed

Music 4 Games is reporting that the music from both Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura will be performed during the opening of the 2005 games convention in Leipzig, Germany. A snippet from their newsbit:…

World of Warcraft Patch Released

Blizzard has released a new patch for World of Warcraft, which includes a PvP Honor System, the Gurubashi Arena Event, and more. For the full patch notes, click here.

Guild Wars Wallpaper

ArenaNet’s official Guild Wars website has been updated with another wallpaper for your computer desktop. This time, the wallpaper depicts a concept showing the shores of the Fire Island Chain.