Gaming News

Dungeon Lords Patch Coming Soon

One of DreamCatcher’s moderators stopped by the official Dungeon Lords forums to let everyone know that a patch addressing several preliminary bugs is coming soon. Here is what to expect: Gameplay tweak: Monsters less aggressive in some areas of the…

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #43

ArenaNet has answered another small batch of questions about Guild Wars, and this time the interview is over at Here’s a taste: Q: At the moment there are only two levels of members: “Officers” and “Members.” Some would like…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Developer Diary

Turbine’s official Dungeons & Dragons Online website has been updated with a new developer diary penned by senior level designer Dan Trethaway. You’ll also find a screenshot at the bottom of the diary that should put a smile on your…

Jade Empire Reviews

The positive reviews for BioWare’s Jade Empire continue to roll in, with two more popping up over the weekend. The first is at with an overall score of 92%: Repetitive combat and week-long load times aside, this is an…

Guild Wars Reviews

Another pair of reviews for ArenaNet’s newly launched Guild Wars have hit the web, and their both positive. The first is at UGO with an overall score of “A-“: But once again, any bugs are minor in comparison to how…

Camelot Grab Bag Q&A

Mythic’s Sanya Thomas has once again posted her weekly Grab Bag Q&A on the Camelot Herald, this time addressing questions about in-game spelling errors, item durability, and more. A snippet: Q: What exactly is the system for durability and condition,…

Darkfall Online Interview has conducted an interview with several key Razorwax developers, in which they discuss the upcoming fantasy MMORPG, Darkfall Online. Check it out: Q: Are there any plans for how ships will be stored or protected while offline? A: When…

Dungeon Siege II Friday Update

Gas Powered Games has posted another Friday update on the official Dungeon Siege II website, which includes information about the Dire Wolf. A snip: Dire Wolves are the epitome of strength and power. They are ruthless fighters, attacking with deadly…

Star Wars Galaxies Combat Upgrade Interview

IGN PC has published a lengthy four-page interview with LucasArts producer Julio Torres, Sony Online producer Dallas Dickinson, and Sony marketing manager Debysue Wolfcale about the less-than-popular combat upgrade in Star Wars Galaxies. Here we go: Q: You mentioned the…

The Lord of the Rings Online Site Update

Turbine’s official The Lord of the Rings Online website has been updated with information about roaming beasts called Aurochs. An excerpt to follow: Aurochs are placid by nature and wish to be left alone, but will attack when approached. An…