World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm is Upon Us

Just when you thought you had your World of Warcraft addiction under control comes the release of Blizzard Entertainment’s most ambitious expansion pack to date: Cataclysm. More lost jobs, divorces, sleep deprivation, and disappointed family members ahead: WORLD OF WARCRAFT®:…

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm “The World Reborn” Trailer

In anticipation of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm’s release, Blizzard Entertainment has released a new 162-second trailer highlighting many of the most impressive areas in Azeroth. The idea is to get you excited enough to start paying $15/month again: Did it…

World of Warcraft: Then and Now

GameSpot has cranked out a two-page feature that not only summarizes the changes that Cataclysm will make to some of the most popular zones in World of Warcraft, but also provides a before-and-after screenshot of each area. Some of the…

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Reviews

If the very first reviews of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm are any indication, Blizzard Entertainment just might have another certifiable hit on their hands. VentureBeat gives the expansion a 95/100: It’s the end of the world, and we really are…

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Interviews

Those of you planning to witness Azeroth’s shattering next week will be interested in hearing about two new Cataclysm interviews that have surfaced on the web. First up is this Q&A with chief project manager J. Allen Brack on Guardian:…

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Interview

With the third World of Warcraft expansion pack less than a week away, NowGamer chatted up lead systems designer Greg Street about the changes they’re making in Cataclysm, the possibility that the game will go free-to-play in the future, how…

BlizzCast Episode 15

For the fifteenth episode of Blizzard Entertainment’s BlizzCast podcast, several members of the World of Warcraft development team discuss the direction they went with world design, sound design, class design, and voice acting in the soon-to-be-released Cataclysm expansion pack. A…

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Preview

AtomicGamer is the latest website to crank out a preview of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, the expansion pack behemoth scheduled for what will most likely be a record launch on December 7th. Most of the world has been bashed apart,…