World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft and Life After Cataclysm

In an attempt to figure out why World of Warcraft has been shedding so many subscribers since the release of its Cataclysm expansion pack, Gamasutra sat down for a three-page Q&A with Blizzard Entertainment’s Greg Street and a couple of…

RPG Pillars: 20 Games That Defined Role-Playing Games

Veteran RPG enthusiasts will no doubt remember playing through a majority of the video games listed in GamePro’s “RPG Pillars: 20 Games That Defined Role-Playing Games” feature, which includes such influential classics as Pool of Radiance, Dungeon Master, Wizardry: Proving…

IGN’s Top 100 Modern Video Games

IGN has put together a top 100 of modern video games, where modern means “current generation”. The list is, as any other of its kind, very debatable, but the fair number of titles within the scope of our coverage makes…

World of Warcraft Patch 4.2 Interview

Ten Ton Hammer had the chance to corner Blizzard’s lead systems designer Greg Stress for a very interesting four pages long interview about the upcoming 4.2 patch. Here’s an excerpt: 4.2 is a much bigger patch with more than double…