Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher E3 Previews

Both Gamecloud and Warcry bring us their impressions of CD Projekt’s The Witcher, after seeing a demo of the RPG at this year’s E3. A snip from Gamecloud’s article: The demo showcased a number of sequences from The Witcher, such…

The Witcher E3 Demo Video

Maximus from the Neverwinter Vault let us know that they’ve posted video footage from CD Projekt’s E3 demo of The Witcher. The original footage was over 8 GB with a resolution of 750×480, but has been compressed to 400 MB…

The Witcher E3 Previews

A trio of new previews for CD Projekt’s The Witcher have hit the web, all of which are based on a demonstration at this year’s E3. The first is at GameSpot: Witchers also have access to a limited number of…

The Witcher Screenshots

WorthPlaying has gotten their hands on a large batch of new screenshots and some concept art from CD Projekt’s The Witcher.

The Witcher Q&A

Gamecloud has conducted an interview with CD Projekt’s Piotr Panasewicz, in which the developer discusses their Aurora-powered RPG, The Witcher. A snip: Q: How would you describe The Witcher’s gameplay? Is an action-RPG or a straight role-playing game? A: We…

The Witcher E3 Preview

Maximus from the Neverwinter Vault has written up a quick preview of CD Projekt’s The Witcher, after seeing a demo of the RPG at this year’s E3. A paragraph to follow: The demo then continued with a live presentation of…

The Witcher Interview

IGN PC has conducted a two-page interview with CD Projekt’s Piotr Panasewicz, in which they discuss the upcoming Aurora-powered RPG, The Witcher. Here’s a taste: Q: We’ve heard this game compared to Diablo more than a few times. Would that…

The Witcher Media #1

RPG Vault has begun another media feature, this time offering visuals from CD Projekt’s upcoming Aurora-powered RPG, The Witcher. In the first installment, they bring us a brand new concept art poster depicting the game’s protaganist battling a demonic creature.

The Witcher Screenshots

The guys over at WorthPlaying have gotten their hands on five new screenshots from CD Projekt’s Aurora-powered RPG, The Witcher.

The Witcher Site Update

CD Projekt’s official website for The Witcher has been updated with a new music clip called “Old Manor Theme” and a single screenshot depicting the protaganist fighting “some hideous monsters”.