The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Where Skyrim Fails

Seeing this kind of editorial from the same publication that awarded the title a shining 9.5 and called it “one of the best role-playing games yet produced” is more than a little weird, but it’s exactly what IGN is offering…

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Editorials

While we wait on further news on the release of patch 1.4 which should apparently fix the framerate drops and the Creation Toolkit you may want to read these two editorials on the title we have rounded up from you.…

Lousy Choices and Linear Dungeons

Jay ‘Rampant Coyote’ Barnson has written another one of his posts dedicated to role-playing game design and this time analyzes modern dungeon design and how it compares to older classic titles, using the recent and extremely successful The Elder Scrolls…

Skyrim and the Compass to Nowhere

The editors at GameRanx have penned an editorial on Skyrim’s compass and journal, and how they supposedly negatively affect the player’s playstyle. Here’s a snip: I would be happy to say that Skyrim was pushing me towards a different style…

GB Feature: Game of the Year 2011 Awards

Yet another year has passed by, and much to our grinning surprise, it’s going to go down in the history books as one of the best twelve-month stretches of role-playing game releases in, well, a very long time. And with…