The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 6: 5 Things I’d Like To See

The Elder Scrolls 6:  5 Things I’d Like To See

I’ve been playing Elder Scrolls games since they used the original Doom engine to make Daggerfall and all of the daedra, undead and vampires were 2D sprites.  I have heard the word “Halt!” shouted at me many times, I’ve been…

Oblivion vs Skyrim Header Image

5 Reasons Oblivion is Better Than Skyrim

There is no doubt that the Elder Scrolls series are some of  the most important, influential and greatest RPG’s ever made. Not only have they created some of the largest and richly filled worlds in all of gaming – but…

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My Thoughts on Skyrim Special Edition

I have always been a lover of the Elder Scrolls series. Ever since I stepped into the world of Morrowind, I was hooked. And now Bethesda decided, while we eagerly await for a new game in the series, to remaster…

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Skyrim Special Edition – Bring on the mods!

With Skyrim Special Edition right around the corner, It’s time to take a look at what it has to offer, and what new features it’ll bring to the table. Bethesda has announced that the remastered Skyrim will be released on…

Skyrim sequel

Skyrim Sequel May Not Arrive Until 2019

Pete Hines doesn’t think we’re close to hearing about the next Elder Scrolls game. In less than three months, Skyrim will celebrate its fourth anniversary. Fourth anniversary! Sometimes it’s hard to believe that this groundbreaking game launched so long ago. Legions of hungry fans…