Gaming News

Star Wars: KotOR Review

GamerDad has posted a review of Star Wars: KotOR, giving the game an overall score of 5 stars. Their final paragraph to follow: The main plot is interesting but what really shines are the innovative side quests that keep popping…

Chris Avellone Interview

RPGDot has conducted an interview with Black Isle Studios’ Chris Avellone, asking the game designer questions about his career history, favorite games, his non-gaming hobbies, and more. Check it out: Q: Please tell us who you are, what you do…

Lionheart First Impressions

Some first impressions of Black Isle and Reflexive’s Lionheart can be found over at Gamers With Jobs. Here’s a taste: All told, I’m pretty pleased with Lionheart so far. As your character develops skill, even under the sometimes heavy pressure…

Temple of Elemenetal Evil Intro Movie

Atari has released the intro movie for Troika’s Temple of Elemental Evil, offering over a minute of high resolution cinematics footage. You can find the 43.2 MB video over at Gamer’s Hell.

GameBanshee Feature: Dungeons & Dragons Online Q&A

We’ve conducted a brief Q&A with the Dungeons & Dragons Online development team at Turbine. Since the game is in such an early stage of development, they were only able to answer a couple of questions concerning magic items, server…

Temple of Elemental Evil Preview

GameSpy has posted a preview of Temple of Elemental Evil, Troika’s upcoming D&D RPG based on the 3.5 rules. Their conclusion to follow: There are still some crash bugs and some unfinished dialogue trees, but the game isn’t shipping until…

Morrowind: Bloodmoon Review

The Armchair Empire has posted a review of Morrowind: Bloodmoon, giving the expansion an overall score of 8.3 Their conclusion to follow: The new quest in Morrowind seems a bit perfunctory. It is possible this expansion exists simply to get…

Horizons Q&A

Horizons Warcry has conducted an interview with the development team working on Horizons at Artifact Entertainment. Check it out: Q: Will character stats degrade without use? For example, will a warrior who decides to change profession into a wizard suffer…