Gaming News

Trials of Atlantis Review

PlayXcess has posted a review of Trials of Atlantis, giving the Dark Age of Camelot expansion an overall score of 7 Their final paragraph to follow: Whilst the popular servers regularly attract in excess of two thousand players, I can’t…

Vampire: Bloodlines Weekly Update #6

Activision’s Shane DeFreest tossed this week’s Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines update to us via email. As with last week, Activision producer David Mullich answers the questions, with Troika’s Leonard Boyarsky back at the helm for the next update. Straight…

Silent Storm Review

Eden II has tossed up a review of Silent Storm, giving the tactical strategy/role-playing game an overall score of 7.5 Check it out: SS features some very nicely designed levels and coupled with the destruction system, it makes it all…

Deus Ex: Invisible War Review

RPGFan has dished up a review of Deus Ex: Invisible War, giving the futuristic RPG an overall score of 90%. Take a look: Terrorism, betrayal, political conspiracies and crisis. What more can RPG enthusiasts ask for? Deus Ex: Invisible War…

World of Warcraft Beta Screenshots

A whole slew of new beta screenshots for Blizzard’s World of Warcraft have surfaced over at Planet Warcraft. Check out all twenty-six of them right here.

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II Review

Jolt Online Gaming has posted a review of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II, giving the action RPG an overall score of 8.3 Their conclusion to follow: For an action adventure game (action RPG, beard hater! Ed), BG:DA2 provides a lot…

World of Warcraft Beta Review

The guys at XPD8 have posted an overly positive review of the World of Warcraft beta. Here’s a bit about death penalties: Death penalties are present in game, and have gone through some changes as the testing has progressed. Currently…

Sacred Review

Jolt Online Gaming has tossed up a positive review of Sacred, giving the action RPG an overall score of 9 Their conclusion: If you see the European version on the shelf, don’t be put off by the improbably dressed woman…

The Matrix Online Interview

GameSpy has conducted an interview with Toby Ragaini, lead designer of the Matrix Online, Monolith’s upcoming MMORPG based on the popular movies. An excerpt to follow: Q: How often will the game be updated with new story elements, what kinds…

World of Warcraft Preview

IGN PC has put together a hands-on preview of Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, based upon the time they’ve spent in the beta. An excerpt, as usual: As your character grows in experience, he’ll get new skill points that can be…