Gaming News

Beyond Divinity Peek of the Week #32

The thirty-second installment of RPGVault’s “Peek of the Week” feature for the upcoming Divine Divinity sequel is now available. This time, lead animator Marian Arnold talks about creating the cutscenes for the game. An excerpt: Swen and Bronthion made a…

Guild Wars Screenshot

ArenaNet has once again dished up a weekly screenshot from their upcoming MMORPG, Guild Wars. This time, the screenshot introduces the male Necromancer.

EverQuest: Gates of Discord Review

WorthPlaying has slapped up a review of Gates of Discord, giving the EverQuest expansion an overall score of 8 A snippet: Whether or not you’ll enjoy Gates is really going to depend on where you are in your EQ career.…

Sacred Reviews

Two new reviews for Sacred, Ascaron’s recently released action RPG, made their way to the web over the last couple of days. The first can be found at GamesDomain with an overall score of 8/10: Sacred takes the best elements…

Jade Empire Previews

BioWare’s Jade Empire is the source of several previews now that this year’s Game Developers Conference is over. The first is at GameSpot: Each of the fighting styles you can choose winds up evolving in different ways, and each style…

More World of Warcraft Content

The latest World of Warcraft beta coverage around the web includes two new previews and some more screenshots. The first preview is at eToyChest: Some have had hopes that WoW would, given its appeal to fans of the series, be…

Middle-Earth Online Site Update

Turbine’s official Middle-Earth Online website has been updated with a new developer diary, a new article on the Men of Angmar, and a new article on the Tower Hills region. An excerpt from the diary: There are four player races…