Gaming News

E3 2005 Announces Fastest Sell-Out in Five Years

The full press release: E3Expo 2005 Announces Fastest Sell-Out in Five Years LOS ANGELES–(BUSINESS WIRE)–March 21, 2005–The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3Expo), the world’s premier computer and video game trade event, has sold out of exhibit space for this year’s show,…

GB Feature: Jade Empire Interview

With Jade Empire’s release approaching quickly, we felt it would be a perfect time to fire a set of questions about the Xbox RPG over to BioWare joint-CEOs Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk. One of our questions (and its answer)…

GB Feature: Vampire: Redemption Review

We’ve written up a review of Vampire: The Masquerade – Redemption, Activision and Nihilistic’s original RPG set in White Wolf’s World of Darkness. An excerpt to follow: As for general replay value, Redemption has a decent amount in the single…

Tactica Online Preview

The guys at GameDAILY have put together a preview of Imaginary Numbers’ Tactica Online, based upon a very early build of the MMORPG. Check it out: Tactica takes place during the glory years of the Renaissance between 1400-1500 A.D. During…

EverQuest II: The Bloodline Chronicles Launches

Sony’s official EverQuest II website has been updated with an announcement that The Bloodline Chronicles, the game’s first “Adventure Pack”, is now available. The full news: The EQII team is pleased to announce the launch of the first Adventure Pack,…

Jade Empire Interview

Less than a month from now, gamers will have the opportunity to enter yet another of BioWare’s fantastical worlds – this time as a martial arts master in a mythical version of China.  With Jade Empire’s release approaching so quickly,…

World of Warcraft Tips of the Week #16

RPG Vault is offering up some additional advice to aid you in your travels through Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. The sixteenth installment discusses playing a Warrior and a few details about choosing a weapon for the class. A taste: As…

Auto Assault Previews

Four hands-on previews have hit the web for Netdevil and NCsoft’s post-apocalyptic MMORPG, Auto Assault. The first is at GameSpot: Auto Assault’s combat system also seems extremely easy to pick up. You can currently have two primary weapons built onto…