Gaming News

City of Villains Interview

IGN PC has published an interview with Cryptic Studios’ Jack Emmert, in which the lead designer reveals a limited amount of information about their upcoming MMORPG expansion/standalone title, City of Villains. Can’t figure out why I called it that? Take…

The Witcher Peek #15

RPG Vault brings us the fifteenth installment to their “peek” feature for The Witcher, this time revealing more information about the game’s weaponry. A snippet to follow: If there is any other weapon that can conjure those beautiful visions like…

Upcoming World of Warcraft Features Revealed

Blizzard’s official World of Warcraft community website has been updated with a quick look at a few of the features we will be seeing in the next patch. Included in the list is a PvP Honor System, new mounts, new…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Reviews

Both LoadedInc and Gaming Illustrated have conjured up reviews for Irrational Games’ Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. The guys at LoadedInc gave it an overall score of 8.7/10: Freedom Force vs. the 3rd Reich contains a new story, some…

Dungeon Lords Site Update

The official Dungeon Lords website has been updated with a listing of all the character skills in the game, including Weaponry, Defense, General, Magic, Thief, and Diabolic skills.

Star Wars: KotOR II Review

GamerDad is the latest website to post a review of Star Wars: KotOR II, giving Obsidian Entertainment’s RPG sequel an overall score of 4.5 Here’s why: So this is a tale of three games, and the scoring of those games…

Auto Assault Q&A

OnRPG has conducted an interview with Netdevil’s Scott “Scorch” Brown, in which the developer answers a batch of questions about the company’s upcoming vehicular post-apocalyptic MMORPG, Auto Assault. Here’s a snip: Q: Now are there lots of different quests in…

Dungeon Siege II Previews

A couple of new hands-on previews for Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege II have made their way to the web. The first is at Gaming Excellence: Game progress is driven by a series of primary and secondary quests. Primary quests…

Jade Empire Interview, Part One

RPG Vault has revealed the first installment to a new interview they conducted with six members of the Jade Empire development team – Lead Designer Kevin Martens, Joint CEO and Co-Executive Producer Greg Zeschuk, Lead Writer Luke Kristjanson, Lead Writer…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Reviews

The reviews continue to surface for Irrational Games’ Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich, with three more showing up today. The first is at The Adrenaline Vault with an overall score of 3.5/5: With its decent graphic enhancements, fun new…