Gaming News

World of Warcraft Review

GamersInfo has posted a review of World of Warcraft, and although they don’t give an overall score, you can tell they have a few reservations before concluding that it’s a great game regardless. Their conclusion: Overall I highly recommend World…

Jade Empire Review, Preview, and Impressions

Three new articles for Jade Empire have made their way to the web, including a new review, a preview, and some initial impressions. The review is at WorthPlaying with an overall score of 8.5/10: If you look at Jade Empire…

The MMORPGs of E3 2005

Computer Games Magazine has taken a quick look at the MMORPGs that are expected to be shown at this year’s E3 event. Included on their list are titles such as Imperator, the EverQuest II expansion, and NCsoft’s entire lineup. A…

SOE Fan Faire Announced

Sony Online Entertainment has announced a new fan faire focused on several of the company’s major game titles. The event will be held June 9th through the 12th at the Las Vegas Hilton in Las Vegas, Nevada. For more information…

Dungeon Lords Site Update

The official Dungeon Lords website has been updated with information about the different schools of magic available to characters. The new section provides a quick in-game video clip for several spells from each school.

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #41

ArenaNet has answered another small batch of questions about Guild Wars, this time releasing some select questions and answers about the final Beta Weekend Event. A snip: Q: I take my Beta Weekend Events seriously. Are there any particular things…

SWG: Rage of the Wookiees Designer Diary #1

GameSpot’s first designer diary for Star Wars Galaxies: Rage of the Wookiees is now online, in which concept artist Arnie Jourgenson explains how they’re bringing the Wookiee planet from Episode III to an MMORPG. Here’s a taste: We started the…

The Land of Argyle: An Essay

To go along with the newsletter, the team over at Argyle Online also sent us an essay that brings us up to speed on the past, present, and future of the Neverwinter Nights persistent world. If you’re new to Argyle,…

The Land of Argyle Newsletter

The folks over at The Land of Argyle have sent out a newsletter celebrating the Neverwinter Nights persistent world’s fourth year online. Read on: A Thirst for Blood: Exploring the Land of Argyle 1. Argyle Online Celebrates its Fourth Year!…

GB Feature: Star Wars: KotOR II Review

We’ve written up a three-page review of Star Wars: KotOR II, based upon the PC version of LucasArts and Obsidian’s RPG sequel. Here’s a bit to get you started: First, there’s the matter of what we might call, to wax…