Gaming News

GB Feature: Legends of Aranna Walkthrough

While we prepare to release content for Dungeon Siege II, our newest editor has put together a walkthrough for Mad Doc’s Dungeon Siege expansion, Legends of Aranna. Enjoy!

Journeys in Azeroth, Part Five

The Armchair Empire has released the fifth installment to their “Journeys in Azeroth” diary series for Blizzard’s World of Warcraft. Check it out: If there’s one thing that stands out about the Wetlands, it’s that the area is so incredibly…

Dungeon Lords Site Update

The official Dungeon Lords website has been updated with information on several creatures we’ll be facing in the action RPG. In addition to a short description of each, the site also offers a short animation of the creature in action.

Dungeon Siege II Previews

The hands-on previews of Gas Powered Games’ Dungeon Siege II continue, with two more popping up over the weekend. The first is at VGPub: The gameplay looks to be on par with the original with Diablo-like combat but with party…

Auto Assault Preview & Interview has revealed a new preview and interview for NCsoft and NetDevil’s vehicular post-apocalyptic MMORPG, Auto Assault. The interview is with assistant producer Todd Keister and starts out like so: Q: Is the game more mission or free-roam oriented (i.e.…

Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny Community Letter

Turbine’s Jessica Mulligan stopped by the official Asheron’s Call: Throne of Destiny website to make two major announcements in April’s team letter. First, the expansion pack has been pushed back to July 18th, and, secondly, she is leaving Turbine and…

Mythic’s Mark Jacobs on Sony’s Station Exchange

Mythic Entertainment CEO Mark Jacobs has issued a statement to GameDAILY Biz on why he feels Sony’s Station Exchange auction service is bad for the MMORPG industry as a whole. The article also features a reply to Mark’s comments from…

Neverwinter Nights 2 Interview

Neverwinter Nights 2 News has conducted an interview with Obsidian Entertainment’s Tony Evans, in which the Neverwinter Nights 2 designer talks about his gaming history, his position at Obsidian, and a little bit about the NWN sequel. An excerpt to…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, which offers information about cybernetics, a new feature available in Rage of the Wookiees. A paragraph to follow: Cybernetics will be temporarily attached to a character,…

World of Warcraft Honor System Q&A

A new Q&A in the official World of Warcraft forums offers some feedback about the game’s new honor system from lead designer Kalgan. A snippet: Q: Does each class have an equal opportunity to advance in the Honor system? It…