Gaming News

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Interview

Jolt Online Gaming has conducted an interview with Bethesda’s Gavin Carter, in which the producer addresses several questions about the upcoming fourth installment in the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion. An excerpt to follow: Q: Please tell us about the character…

Titan Quest Screenshots

WorthPlaying has kicked up an assortment of screenshots from the recent THQ Gamers Day event, including a handful from Iron Lore’s Titan Quest.

Fable: The Lost Chapters Preview

Boomtown has put together a preview of Fable: The Lost Chapters, after spending some firsthand time with the PC version of Lionhead Studios’ RPG. Take a look: New monsters have been added, in addition to new areas, new magical skills…

Dungeon Siege II Reviews

The weekend brings us a couple of new online reviews for the recently released Dungeon Siege sequel. The first is at Video Game City with an overall score of 8/10: If you were disappointed with the poor offerings of summer…

Gothic III Screenshots

JoWood community manager Johann “Ivan” Ertl stopped by the company’s official forums to post two new screenshots from Gothic III. The landscape scene with the castle definitely piques my interest!

Guild Wars Sorrow’s Furnace Creature Feature

IGN PC has put together a new feature that profiles some of the new creatures found in the newly released Sorrow’s Furnace update for Guild Wars. A snip about the Dredge Brute: The Dredge, longtime residents of Sorrow’s Furnace, have…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Team Diary

Bethesda’s official The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion website has been updated with a new team diary penned by level designer Michael Ryan. In it, Michael provides a few screenshots while he talks about his work building the game’s dungeons: Because…

Trouble in World of Warcraft

The folks at Ferrago have published a two-page article entitled “Trouble in World of Warcraft”, in which they discuss recent lag, server, and billing issues that have plagued Blizzard’s MMORPG. An excerpt to follow: On numerous nights the affected servers…

Dragonshard Designer Diary #6

GameSpot has published a sixth Dragonshard Designer Diary, once again with designer Charley Price discussing city building in the RTS/RPG hybrid. Check it out: As with other real-time strategy games, in Dragonshard there is a population cap that sets a…