Gaming News

Guild Wars Mini-Interview #59

ArenaNet has answered another set of questions about Guild Wars, this time addressing some post-update questions in a two-part Q&A. The first installment discusses PvP penalties, resetting the Guild Wars ladder, and more. A snippet, as usual: Q: A “runner”…

Fable: The Lost Chapters Reviews

The weekend kicks off with a handful of positive reviews for Lionhead Studios’ soon-to-be-released Fable: The Lost Chapters. The first is at GameSpot with an overall score of 8.6/10: Fable is an imaginative game that’s got enough remarkable, unique moments…

Asheron’s Call 2 Farewell Feature

Turbine’s official Asheron’s Call 2 website has been updated with a new farewell section to feature screenshots and writeups from players during the game’s final months. Although I only played the game briefly, it’s sad to see another MMORPG taken…

Dungeon Siege II Post-Mortem Q&A

IGN PC has conducted an interview with Gas Powered Games’ Chris Taylor, in which the developer answers two pages of questions about Dungeon Siege II now that the action RPG has been in gamers’ hands for about a month. An…

Star Wars Galaxies Friday Feature

Sony’s official Star Wars Galaxies website has been updated with a new Friday Feature, this time providing us with new Trials of Obi-Wan images and a Q&A with producer Grant “Rogue_5” McDaniel about the expansion. A snip from the latter:…

World of Warcraft Official Strategy Guide Excerpt #2

RPG Vault is offering up a second excerpt from BradyGames’ official World of Warcraft strategy guide, this time going over the game’s guild system. Here’s a bit to get you started: Guildmasters have the option of creating a guild tabard…

X-Men Legends II Mutant Vault Updated

Activision’s official X-Men Legends II Mutant Vault website has been updated with wallpaper, screenshots, and gameplay footage showing off Scarlet Witch.