Gaming News

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Preview

Gamesradar has put together a preview of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, after spending some firsthand time with the highly anticipated RPG. Check it out: As is typical, you can join a guild from the off to improve your skills and…

World of Warcraft v1.8.1 Patch Released

Blizzard Entertainment has released an official v1.8.1 patch for World of Warcraft, which addresses a few bugs with the game’s user interface, some exploits in the Arathi Basin battleground, and more. Check out the full patch notes for both v1.8.1…

City of Villains Preview has tossed up a short preview of Cryptic Studios’ City of Villains, after spending some firsthand time with the game. A little something to get you started: Cryptic did a particularly masterful job on the archetypes; they’re close enough…

Neverwinter Nights 2 Screenshots

The folks at Eurogamer have gotten their hands on the very first screenshots showing off Obsidian Entertainment’s Neverwinter Nights sequel. They definitely look better than the ones we saw in the Dragonshard manual!

BioWare Wednesday

BioWare’s official website has once again received its weekly update of in-house game news, which includes the second installment of their BloodSpell profile. Straight from BioWare’s front page: The second part of our BloodSpell profile continues with this week’s focus…

A Look Back at the Xbox

The Philadelphia Inquirer has published a short article that provides a retrospective look at the last four years of Microsoft’s soon-to-be-retired Xbox. A snippet: Gamers who took the Xbox plunge quickly discovered that this was a system like no other.…

Anarchy Online It’s Alive #5

RPG Vault continues their “It’s Alive” series for Anarchy Online, this time discussing free play, in-game advertisements, and an influx of new subscribers. An excerpt to follow: With the addition of video-based functionality, it also adds another tool for the…

Darkfall Online Preview

The Armchair Empire has put together a preview of Darkfall Online, the upcoming fantasy MMORPG from Razorwax. Check it out: While things are fairly open-ended in terms of character development, the game is a lot more concrete in how it…

Dragonshard Reviews

Two more gaming sites have kicked up reviews for Atari and Liquid Entertainment’s RTS/RPG hybrid, Dragonshard. The first is at ComputerAndVideoGames with an overall score of 78/100: There are only two resources in Dragonshard: gold and the eponymous dragonshards. These…