
Lionheart Q&A #15

RPGVault has posted the fifteenth installment of their Lionheart Q&A feature. This week, they ask the Reflexive team about what facets have been improved during the game’s extended development period. Take a look: Bryce Baker, Reflexive Entertainment: Much of our…

Lionheart Screenshots

RPGVault has added two more screenshots to their Lionheart “Screenshot of the Week” feature. This week, the screenshots depict Captain Isabella of the Spanish Armada and a Monstrous Scorpion.

Lionheart Site Update

Black Isle’s official Lionheart website has been updated with the following: Spiffy New Lionheart Spells and Screens Ahoy! Wahey there Lionhearters! That’s right; it’s another brand spankin’ new Lionheart web update for your weekend reading wonderment! So head on over…

Lionheart Screenshot

RPGVault has posted yet another Lionheart “Screenshot of the Week”, this time depicting combat with some winged beasties.

Lionheart Item Feature #8

The eighth installment to RPGDot’s Lionheart item feature is now available, in which they detail the Blade of the Berserker, the Blood Ring of Richard the Lionhearted, and Nostrodomus’ Centuries. A snippet from the Blade of the Berserker to follow:…

Lionheart Q&A #14

RPGVault has conducted its fourteenth Q&A with members of the Lionheart development team. This week, they ask the following question: Q: What are a couple of character types you’d like to play but haven’t had the chance to play very…

Lionheart Screenshot

RPGVault has added yet another screenshot to their Lionheart “Screenshot of the Week” feature. This week, the screenshot shows us a glimpse of Quinn the Herbalist.

Lionheart Screenshot of the Week

RPGVault has posted their forty-fourth set of Lionheart “Screenshots of the Week”. This week, the screenies show off some more combat and building structures.

Lionheart Site Update

The official site for Lionheart has been updated with info on the thought branch of magic, as well as six new screenshots.

Lionheart Factions Article & Screenshots

Reflexive’s Eric Dallaire has written an article over at RPG Codex that details the Wielders faction in Lionheart. An excerpt to follow: Long before the Inquisition assumed total control of Europe, the Wielders shared power with the Knights Templar and…