Freedom Force vs. Third Reich

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Diary #1

IGN PC has begun a new diary series, this time for Irrational Games’ upcoming Freedom Force sequel. In the first installment, manager and creative director Ken Levine talks about different character ideas and how they come up with them. A…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Interview

RPGDot has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, asking the developer several questions about their upcoming Freedom Force sequel. An excerpt: Q: Designing your heroes was also great fun. Has the character creation process changed in The Third…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Announced

Check it out: BOSTON, MA – October 16, 2003 – Irrational Games, the award-winning developer of “System Shock 2” is pleased to announce “Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich” for the PC. Scheduled to ship in spring 2004, the comic…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Interview

HomeLan Fed has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Jonathan Chey, asking the lead designer several questions about their upcoming tactical RPG sequel, Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. Here’s a little something to get you started: Q: What sort…

Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Interview

GameSpot has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Jonathan Chey, asking the developer several questions about their upcoming superhero RPG sequel, Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. An excerpt: GS: One of the most engaging aspects of the original game…

Freedom Force Sequel Revealed

HomeLan Fed is reporting that the newest issue of PC Gamer magazine reveals that Irrational Games is developing a Freedom Force sequel entitled Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. The sequel will apparently bring your team of superheroes back in…

Freedom Force Review

Game Over has published a review of Freedom Force, giving the tactical superhero RPG an overall score of 86%. Check it out: So, overall, Freedom Force is definitely a game you should try out if you like strategy games or…

Freedom Force v1.2 Patch Released

Irrational Games has released a version 1.2 patch for Freedom Force, which adds a couple of new features and fixes a few more bugs. Here’s all of what is new: New Features: Enabled Surround Gaming for Matrox Parhelia Hypnosis speech…

Freedom Force Community Website Launched

In addition to releasing the Freedom Force v1.2 patch, Irrational Games has also launched a new community website for the superhero RPG. You’ll find the new website right here.

Freedom Force Review

RPGFan has tossed up a review of Freedom Force, giving the superhero RPG an overall score of 89%. Their conclusion: Overall, Freedom Force is yet another excellent RPG in a year when there have been many. It manages to stand…