Fallout: New Vegas

Tim Cain Retrospective Interview

RPG Codex continues its recent string of retrospective interviews, this time presenting a sit-down with legendary RPG designer Tim Cain. Cain, who is most well known for contributing to the original Fallout back at Black Isle Studios, and later moving…

The Elder Scrolls and Fallout Toys Becoming a Reality

Those of you who have been waiting for a chance to get your hands on some Khajiit, Argonian, or Brotherhood of Steel action figures are in luck, as Bethesda Softworks and Symbiote Studios have announced plans to debut a line…

Chris Avellone Podcast Interview

Videogame-focused blog Emergency Broadcast System is offering an extensive podcast interview with Obsidian Entertainment’s chief creative officer Chris Avellone. In about 48 minutes of interview Chris touches upon subjects such as the conflict between storytelling and freedom, Alpha Protocol’s reception,…

J.E. Sawyer Interview

As part of their ongoing “Knights of the Roleplaying Table” interview series, the folks at GameStar.ru have asked some general RPG design-related questions to Obsidian’s J.E. Sawyer, whose notable work includes Icewind Dale II, Neverwinter Nights 2 and Fallout: New…

Chris Avellone Interview

The design work he’s doing for Wasteland 2, his work on the Fallout: New Vegas DLC expansions, Obsidian’s relationship with publishers and more are all subjects touched upon by this Gather Your Party interview with Chris Avellone. As it often…

Chris Avellone Interview

Why he’s excited to work on Wasteland 2, Obsidian’s past hurdles with publishers and project cancellations, the franchises he’d like to work on, and the future of Obsidian Entertainment are only some of the subjects that have been tackled by…