Fable III

10 Things We Didn’t Know About Fable III

GamesRadar has wrangled up a list of ten design decisions and features that they figure most of us don’t know about Lionhead Studios’ next Fable installment. For example: 3) Your promises are meaningless Fable III is split into two halves.…

Fable III Headed to PC, Collector’s Edition Announced

Since the cat was pretty much already out of the bag, Microsoft sent out a press release this morning confirming their plans to bring Fable III to the PC. Additionally, they’ve announced specifics about a planned collector’s edition: Epic Fable…

Fable III Preview

Rather than post a conventional preview, Explicit Gamer has wrangled up a list of ten gameplay elements that Lionhead Studios is including in their next Fable sequel. You know, the one that’s hitting both the Xbox 360 and PC: #7:…

Fable III Q&A, Concept Art

Beauty of Games recently caught up with Lionhead Studios lead artist John McCormack for a ten-question Q&A about the more modernized world in Fable III, how the team is implementing weapon morphs, the processes necessary to create the game’s NPCs,…

Fable III Video Interview, Alpha Protocol Trailer

GameSpot’s latest “On The Spot” episode features two points of interest, starting with a video interview with Fable III lead designer Josh Atkins at about the 11:57 mark. During the session, Josh talks about their goal to make the sequel’s…

Sir Ben Kingsley to Voice King in Fable III

CVG brings word that famed actor Sir Ben Kingsley has been brought on board to voice the “King of Mist Peak” in Lionhead’s next Fable installment. Kingsley told CVG earlier today: “I’m a voice in a new video game shortly…

Fable III Screenshot

Lionhead Studios has uploaded a single new screenshot to their Fable III Facebook page, which you’ll discover features a suited-up hero standing at the base of an elaborate staircase. This blurb accompanies it: In the last couple of weeks our…

How Could Fable III Use Natal?

With Peter Molyneux claiming that Fable III will support at least some Natal functionality, the editors at IGN have come up with a list of possible game features that would have us making awkward gestures in front of our televisions. Get…