Dragon Age II

Dragon Age II Preview

If you’re in the market for yet another hands-on impressions piece for BioWare’s Dragon Age sequel, then you need not look any further than Eurogamer.  The rogue is focused on once again, though we also learn more about the improved responsiveness: Movement’s…

Dragon Age II Preview

After receiving a hands-on demonstration of Dragon Age II’s rogue class from executive producer Mark Darrah, Joystiq has conjured up a detailed preview that includes quite a bit of Mark’s commentary. Hopefully there are some decent non-combat skills for the…

Dragon Age II Preview

There’s a new preview of BioWare’s Dragon Age II online and ready for your scrutiny, and this time it comes to us via Mana Pool. A two-paragraph excerpt: Whilst there are a few changes to the interface in the work,…

Penny Arcade Creates a Dragon Age II Item and Motion Comic

BioWare and Penny Arcade have resumed their collaborative efforts for Dragon Age II, the result of which is a magical belt called Hindsight with quite the backstory and a two-and-a-half minute full motion comic that covers it appropriately. There are…

Dragon Age II Video Preview

GameSpot has uploaded a nearly two-minute video preview of Dragon Age II, though you won’t find any new gameplay footage embedded within it. What you will find is a quick overview of the game’s combat and dialogue systems on top…

Dragon Age II Will Combat Used Game Sales, Too

Joystiq brings word that BioWare will be implementing a Cerberus Network-type “pipeline” in Dragon Age II in order to deliver DLC content and ensure that even used copies of the game can earn them another $10 or more. Unsurprisingly, Dragon…

Dragon Age II: Going Rogue

In what will most likely turn out to be a trio of class profile pieces, IGN brings us some hands-on details about how the rogue is being implemented in BioWare’s forthcoming Dragon Age sequel. It sounds like the specializations aren’t…

Dragon Age II “Rise to Power” Trailer

BioWare has treated us to a new 80-second Dragon Age II trailer entitled “Rise to Power”, which features the most gameplay footage we’ve seen from the RPG sequel to date. It definitely gives off the cinematic vibe they’re going for,…

Dragon Age II Interview

Games On Net managed to corner Dragon Age II associate producer Heather Rabatich for a Q&A about the game’s art direction, improvements to companion AI, the amount of violence compared to its predecessor, and more. games.on.net: Did Bioware feel that…