Dragon Age II

Dragon Age II System Requirements Revealed

The FAQ over on the official Dragon Age II website has been updated with a few more pertinent answers, including the recommended and minimum system requirements for the PC version of BioWare’s RPG sequel. Aside from the massive hard drive…

BioWare Doctors to be Inducted to AIAS Hall of Fame

According to a press release sent over to us earlier today, BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk will be inducted into the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences Hall of Fame during the 2011 D.I.C.E. Summit in February. The…

Dragon Age II Interview

Dragon Age II lead designer Mike Laidlaw took the time to address another handful of questions about the RPG sequel in a new interview at 360 Magazine. Your usual excerpt: 360: If you look at the evolution of the modern…

Dragon Age II Character Profile and Combat Walkthrough Video

When you’re finished reading up on the lyrium-burned Fenris and checking out his related imagery, you should definitely have a look at the following three-and-a-half minute combat walkthrough video for Dragon Age II. Finally, Mr. Laidlaw gives us a good…

12 Days of BioWare Contest Announced

BioWare and Treehouse Brand Stores kicked over a press release early this morning announcing a new “12 Days of BioWare” contest (which actually started back on December 10th) that gives fans a chance to win Dragon Age- and Mass Effect-themed…

Dragon Age II Preview

The guys at Play.tm recently went hands-on with Dragon Age II, and have since conjured up a quick preview of BioWare’s RPG sequel. In it, they break down the game’s button-pressing awesomeness: Targeting Hayder himself, we put BioWare’s “press a…

The Making of Dragon Age II, Part One

BioWare has started to release a set of behind-the-scenes videos for Dragon Age II, with the first installment featuring lead designer Mike Laidlaw, executive producer Mark Darrah, and art director Matthew Goldman talking about the ideas they started working on…

Ray Muzyka Video Interview

G4 recently caught up with BioWare co-founder Ray Muzyka for a three-minute video interview about Dragon Age II, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and the forthcoming PlayStation 3 version of Mass Effect 2. Topics include how fighting on Alderaan feels…

Dragon Age II Environment Update

The Dragon Age II website has been updated with the profile of a new location, Hightown (the opposite of Lowtown), which also means that we have two more pieces of concept art to gaze at. Everyone who is anyone in…

Dragon Age II Preview

OXM has doled out their own brief preview of Dragon Age II, and we can only assume that it’s based on the same hands-on demonstration that PC Gamer received. Anyway, here are two of the six paragraphs: This framed narration…