Baldur's Gate II

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Defeating Liches – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of strategies for defeating liches in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Protect Yourself From Magic I found killing the lich in the Bridge District very easy after using a Protection…

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Defeating Golems – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of strategies for defeating golems in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Slay ‘Em All Golems have easy to hit armor class, the best way to kill these babies is to…

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Defeating Dragons – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of strategies for defeating dragons in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. Besting A Dragon With Magic Fifth level mage spell called “lower resistance” is very handy for knocking out dragons.…

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Defeating Beholders – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide is a collection of strategies for defeating beholders and gauths in Baldur’s Gate II. These tips were provided by GameBanshee users. ReflectionFest If you have problems fighting Beholders or those other smaller versions of them (the green ones)…

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Thief Stronghold – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide will walk you through the Thief Stronghold quests in Baldur’s Gate II. Overview After completing Renal Bloodscalp’s quest in the Docks District, he’ll give you control of Mae’var’s Guildhall (assuming you’re a thief). This will allow you to…

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Paladin Stronghold – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide will walk you through the Paladin Stronghold quests in Baldur’s Gate II. Overview After rescuing Garren Windspear’s child from Lord Firkraag in the Windspear Hills Dungeon, Windspear will direct you to go to the High Hall of the…

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Mage Stronghold – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide will walk you through the Mage Stronghold quests in Baldur’s Gate II. Overview To claim the mage stronghold, you’ll first have to talk to Tolgerias the Cowled Wizard in the Council of Six building in the Government District.…

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Druid Stronghold – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide will walk you through the Druid Stronghold quests in Baldur’s Gate II. Overview After defeating Faldorn for control of the Druid Grove during the Trademeet Animal Attacks quest, Master Verthan will give you the grove (assuming that you’re…