Baldur's Gate II

baldurs gate 2 red wizard enclave

Red Wizard Enclave – Baldur’s Gate II

This guide will walk you through Red Wizard Enclave in Baldur’s Gate II. This area’s code in the game files is OH6300. It was added in the game’s Enhanced Edition. Overview Outside the enclave, you’ll run into a bouncer. He’ll…

baldurs gate 2 books of lore

Books of Lore – Baldur’s Gate II

A vast assortment of books, tomes, and manuals are scattered throughout Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal. These literary works are not magical in nature, but instead offer a great source of historical information about FaerUn. To make it…

baldur's gate 2 the pantaloons enigma

The Pantaloons Enigma – Baldur’s Gate II

This description is courtesy of Kevin Dorner’s Baldurdash website. The infamous Pantaloons Enigma that has haunted the thoughts of gamers everywhere was not recognized as such when it began, way back in Baldur’s Gate 1, when the protagonist reached the…