Baldur's Gate II

Baldur’s Gate Retrospective Review

Most likely influenced by the title’s release on Good Old Games, the editors at Mana Pool have published a retrospective review of Baldur’s Gate, finding that the game easily stands its ground despite being 12 years old. Here’s the closing…

Baldur’s Gate Retrospective

No doubt inspired by the digital release of Baldur’s Gate and its Tales of the Sword Coast expansion on Good Old Games, the editors at Big Download have cranked out one of their “Boot Disk” retrospectives for BioWare’s original Infinity…

Good Old Games Relaunches With Baldur’s Gate

The new Good Old Games website is up, with Baldur’s Gate up as a new release, their deal with Hasbro announced, and the promised GOGmixes and 3-click purchases in. The opening message: Welcome to the brand new We know…

Good Old Games to Relaunch on September 23rd

Nothing like crying wolf to get a little extra exposure for your business, eh? Tonight we received an official press release heralding the return of CD Projekt’s Good Old Games service, along with a firm timeframe for the release of…

Good Old Games Baldur’s Gate Release Details

To add a bit more of a positive note to the Good Old Games hoax news, let’s discuss their newest addition: Baldur’s Gate and Tales of the Sword Coast, packaged as “Baldur’s Gate: The Original Saga”. The pack will be…

Good Old Games Teaser Shows Baldur’s Gate

The Good Old Games website is taunting us once again with a small update message, linking to a Youtube video. Looks like just a standard farewell video? Well it would, except that if you pause it in the 12 second mark…

BioWare Interview, Part One

Despite the fact that the interview actually took place at GamesCom, it wasn’t until earlier today that Gaming Union offered up the first half of a Q&A they did with BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk. A sampling:…

BioWare Interview

While working the show floor of GamesCom last month, Xbox360Achievements caught up with BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk for a conversation about whether or not video games are a form of art. If there’s one thing that Mr.…

Baldur’s Gate Retrospective Interview

BioWare co-founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk haven’t totally forgotten about their popular Baldur’s Gate franchise, as demonstrated by a new restrospective interview on Rock, Paper, Shotgun. The interview is well worth a read, if only to shake some nostalgia…