Baldur's Gate II

Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Patch #6 Released

A new patch for Overhaul’s Enhanced Edition of Baldur’s Gate has been released offering more bugfixes and a few new features. Here’s the changelog: Crash Fixes Improved multiplayer stability Fixed Black Pits sword crash Fixed crash when manipulating portrait files…

Enhancing Baldur’s Gate: the BioWare Veterans Who Dared

Eurogamer is offering an article-style interview with the folks at Overhaul, focused, as you’d expect, on Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition. In the interview they discuss the difficulties of remastering their old work, the atmosphere at BioWare during the development of…

Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Patch #5 Released

A new, considerably sized patch has been released for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, and should hopefully make the experience more stable and polished for players that have bought the game near release. Here’s the changelog: Crash Fixes: * Fixed crash…

Obsidian Entertainment Almost Made Baldur’s Gate III

With the notable exceptions of the upcoming Project Eternity and Alpha Protocol, Obsidian Entertainment is a company mostly known for working on sequels and already proven franchise, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the Irvine developer almost managed…

Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Reviews

We have rounded up another batch of reviews for Overhaul’s attempt to, well, overhaul and update Baldur’s Gate to modern systems while maintaining its core intact. IGN reviews the iPad version, 6.0 The core experience of Baldur’s Gate remains as…

Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition Reviews

We have rounded up a few more reviews for Overhaul’s updated and tweaked Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition, more or less all favorable toward the remastered classic. Modojon, 4 With a steep entry price of $9.99, this probably isn’t the game…