Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he’s not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.
red diamond elder scrolls online song

Can’t Get ESO Red Diamond Song Out Of My Head

[youtube_sc url=””] Red Diamond is one of the most catchy songs in all of Tamriel. Instead of cutting the grass or doing a myriad other chores around the house this Labor Day weekend, I slacked off and spent my free time…

elder scrolls online pts

Volunteers Needed For Elder Scrolls Online PTS

ESO wants you! Test Update 4 on The Elder Scrolls Online PTS before the new content is officially released. Late last week, the ESO development team posted a call for volunteers to test Update 4 on The Elder Scrolls Online PTS.…

ice wraith vanity pet

Ice Wraith Vanity Pet For Loyal ESO Subscribers

The Ice Wraith vanity pet is the first reward in The Elder Scrolls Online subscriber loyalty program. Yesterday, I wrote about the upcoming enhancements to The Elder Scrolls Online (in case you missed the article, you can read it here).…

elder scrolls online enhancements

More Elder Scrolls Online Enhancements In The Works

Get ready for more enhancements to The Elder Scrolls Online. A few hours ago, Game Director Matt Firor discussed  upcoming game enhancements to The Elder Scrolls Online. You can read everything Matt has to say in detail here. For those more interested in a…

faces of skyrim II

Faces Of Skyrim II Will Blow You Away

 The Faces of Skyrim II Exhibition features more portraits from Skyrim’s best screenarchers. Skyrim fans rejoice! The group responsible for the Faces of Skyrim Exhibition is at it again with the release of a second gallery. Faces of Skyrim II is…

skyrim archer

The One Trick Every Skyrim Archer Needs To Know

Use this Skyrim archer trick to fill your quiver with high quality arrows. In my very first Skyrim  playthrough, I opted for a Spellsword build — a heavily armored, sword wielding tank not afraid to launch a fire ball or two when the…

Nightingale Statue Featured

Is The Skyrim Nightingale Statue The Best Yet?

The Nightingale statue is the latest Skyrim collectible from the Bethesda Store. Skyrim fans can now pre-order the Nightingale statue from the Bethesda Store. This latest collectible statue  is slated for an early 2015 release, featuring a Skyrim thief dressed in a…