

I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

Ooblets Teaser Trailer – What To Expect

Ooblets is an adorable game that is set to be released at some point in 2018. This game is being developed by a very small team by the name of Glumberland and headed by the talented Rebecca. From what we’ve…

pit people

Pit People Early Access First Impressions

The world is in disarray. Acid bear blood rains from the sky. Your family is dead and all you have is your revenge. Pit People is a wildly silly and hilarious game. It mixes turn-based tactics and cartoon humour to…

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Rise of the Elders: Cthulhu Kickstarter Game

Do you enjoy tactical RPG games? Do you have a penchant for H.P Lovecraft stories? The look no further! Rise of the Elders: Cthulhu includes all of the aforementioned things, and more. Interested? Well, in order to find out if…


Nioh First Look – Dark Souls Meets Samurais

Last weekend, I had the privilege of playing the new slash-’em-up game, Nioh. Developed by the creators of Ninja Gaiden, you play a samurai. Or at least that is what I could gather from the limited information I was given.…

gaming gadgets

Top 5 New Gaming Gadgets – CES 2017

CES 2017 came and went in a flash. There were some awesome new things that are coming out for gamers this year. Some seemed rather impractical. Others were simply concepts and most likely won’t be made. And some, were down…

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Top 5 PC Games To Play In 2017

Happy New Year one and all! So, 2016 has been and gone and we were blessed with some pretty decent games. However, it is a fresh start and with it (hopefully) will come some brand new and exciting games. I…

5 Fallout 4 Mods For This Festive Season

Fallout 4 has given us many useful and handy mods over the last year. However, since it is the holiday season, I wanted to quickly share with you some of the more festive mods. So here we are, ladies and…

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The Steam Awards – A little bit of fun

So, ladies and gentlemen, the Steam Awards are upon us. They may not be the Golden Joystick Award; they are certainly not the Oscars. However, this little awards ceremony is all just a bit of fun. Starting from the 22nd…

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Why Fallout 4 Is Better With Mods

It has been over a year since our monitors were blessed with Fallout 4. During this time, much has changed. Through multiple DLCs and hundreds of mods, Fallout has taken on a whole new life. But, just how different does…