

Interplay Video Game Assets and IP Portfolio Up For Sale

There might be a future for Interplay’s classic video game series yet, as the defunct publisher has announced plans to auction off their many video game assets and entire IP portfolio to prospective buyers. That means we could see an…

Mass Effect: Andromeda Pre-alpha Gameplay 4K Tech Video

BioWare general manager Aaron Flynn has narrated a new pre-alpha gameplay tech video for Mass Effect: Andromeda, with this particular footage spotlighting the sci-fi RPG in 4K resolution on the PlayStation Neo platform and promising a trailer-led kickoff for the…

Richard Garriott “Evolutionary Storytelling” Video Interview

There’s a full one-hour video interview with Richard “Lord British” Garriott over on Unseen Dragon’s YouTube channel, where the Ultima creator is quizzed about a number of topics around the “evolutionary storytelling” and world-crafting components that were used throughout the…

Eisenwald: Blood of November Kickstarter Campaign Launched

The team at Aterdux Entertainment clearly has no plans to walk away from the turn-based strategy/RPG franchise they kicked off with Legends of Eisenwald last year, as they’ve launched a new Kickstarter campaign for a “modest” follow-up entitled Eisenwald: Blood…

Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #101

Moving forward with the next hundred installments of their “Grim Misadventures” feature, the team at Crate Entertainment brings us installment #101, which focuses on loot balancing, additions, and revisions, while also dropping a sizeable hint toward the development of an…

Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel Announced

Dark Souls III is set to expand in two directions over the coming months, with the first set of DLC officially being revealed as of this morning. Entitled Ashes of Ariandel, the add-on will feature “hours of new challenges, new…

Zombasite Released

We’ve been expecting Soldak Entertainment to officially release their zombie-infested action RPG Zombasite any day now given the availability of a demo way back in March and the many patches available since then, and today the press release showed up…

Demons Age Gamescom 2016 Trailer

Following the role-playing game’s presence at this year’s Gamescom, the team at Bigmoon Entertainment fired over the trailer they were showcasing for Demons Age during the event so that those of us who didn’t have the opportunity to travel to…