

The Elder Scrolls Online “The Game Awards 2016” Trailer

In anticipation of The Game Awards 2016, Bethesda Softworks and ZeniMax Online have prepared a new 47-second, accolades-induced trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online. If you haven’t yet logged into the MMORPG, this just might drum up the necessary enthusiasm…

BattleTech Post-funding Update #33

We can chalk up a 33rd update to Harebrained Schemes’ BattleTech Kickstarter campaign, with this particular entry covering some of the game’s characters, their plans to sell some high quality merchandise, the backer-only beta they’ll be running in Q1 2017,…

GB Feature: Tyranny Review

As Obsidian Entertainment’s latest role-playing endeavor, Tyranny, has been consuming the lion’s share of our free time recently, it only seemed appropriate to pen our impressions in a full, four-page review. A couple of paragraphs to start you off: The…

The Surge Screenshots

Focus Home and Deck 13’s sci-fi action RPG The Surge is starting to shape up for its 2017 release, as indicated by three new screenshots depicting some of the game’s “mini-bosses”. The screenshots are also accompanied by a sizable helping…

The Dwarves “Meet Djerun” Video

KING Art Games’ The Dwarves will officially be upon us tomorrow, and to help whet our appetite for what’s to come in the RPG, the team sent us over a fourth “Meet the Dwarves” video today. This time around, we’re…

Tom Clancy’s The Division Survival DLC Reviews

Now that quite a few people have spent a reasonable amount of time with Survival, the second set of DLC for Tom Clancy’s The Division, we are starting to see a handful of reviews making their way online. Kotaku offers…

Might & Magic Showdown Revealed

Your guess is as good as mine on what the publisher’s actual plans are, when we’ll get an official announcement, and whether any RPG elements will be present in the title, but it’s at least worth mentioning that the in-game…

The Highest-Selling CRPG of the 1980s

In a post to The Digital Antiquarian, editor Jimmy Maher corrects his previous assertion that SSI’s Pool of Radiance was the highest-selling CRPG of the 1980s at 264,536 confirmed copies by reporting that Electronic Arts’ Tales of the Unknown, Volume…

Dungeon Rats Update #1 Released

Without any type of fanfare on the official website, Iron Tower Studio stealthily released their first major update for Dungeon Rats, which introduces a variety of bug fixes, balance adjustments, mechanic tweaks, and more to the role-playing title.  The full set…