

Horizon Zero Dawn Story Trailer

Sony and Guerrilla Games have released a new trailer for Horizon Zero Dawn, with this latest video entry sharing more information about the action RPG’s premise and the storyline we’ll be taking in during our time with the game. Clocking…

Mass Effect: Andromeda Interview

Kotaku Australia recently chatted up BioWare producer Mike Gamble, which has resulted in an article-style interview about their plans for Mass Effect: Andromeda. Topics include the methods they’re using to release information about the game, how multiplayer will function, the…

Hellgate: London “London 2038” Multiplayer Mod Pre-Alpha Signups

The team behind the ambitious multiplayer mod for Flagship Studios’ original Hellgate: London are now accepting sign-ups from anxious volunteers willing to help them with pre-alpha testing. And if the “pre-alpha” designation didn’t send the message home, the disclaimer on…

Scalebound Cancelled

We haven’t been giving Microsoft and PlatinumGames’ Monster Hunter-inspired action RPG Scalebound much attention since it was announced way back in June of 2014, but perhaps that is for the best as word comes from IGN today that the dragon-heavy…

A Video History of the Gothic Series

The folks at GameDigger have wrangled up another one of their “History of” videos, with this new six-minute entry taking us through Piranha Bytes’ Gothic role-playing game series. The video covers the original Gothic, Gothic II, Gothic 3, and Arcania:…

Zodiac and the Marauders of Sol Development Update #1

Now that the holidays are behind us, Basilisk Games has treated us to the first development update for their upcoming sci-fi shooter/adventure/RPG hybrid, Zodiac and the Marauders of Sol. Unfortunately, there isn’t much to glean from the post, but it’s…

Age of Pirates 2: City of Abandoned Ships Released on GOG

Back in April of last year, we reported on the availability of Age of Pirates: Caribbean Tales (aka Sea Dogs: Caribbean Tales) on CD Projekt’s GOG.com service, and now they’ve followed that release up with its sequel, Age of Pirates…

Conan Exiles “Building in the World of Conan” Video

In further anticipation of the game’s January 31st release on Steam Early Access, Funcom treated us to a new “Building in the World of Conan” video for Conan Exiles earlier today. In it, creative director Joel Bylos and lead designer…

Diablo III Patch 2.4.3 Released

The time has come to return to Tristram and take on the original Diablo, as proclaimed in this announcement heralding the availability of Patch 2.4.3 for Diablo III. Apparently the 20th Anniversary Event will only be available during the month…