

Best RPG of 2000

Along with their Pool of Radiance first look, GA-RPG has posted up what they feel are the best RPGs of the year. The top five are as follows: 1 – Deus Ex2 – Baldur’s Gate II3 – Icewind Dale4 –…

Pool of Radiance First Look

GA-RPG has posted up their own first look of the upcoming RPG from SSI, Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. You can check it out by clicking here.

Merry Christmas!

On behalf of the entire GameBanshee staff, I’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas! It will probably be a bit slow around here for a couple of days since a lot of our staff will be out of…

Planescape: Torment Pop Quiz

RPGPlanet has yet another quiz for all of you RPG fanatics out there… this time pouring over the fine details of the BioWare masterpiece, Planescape: Torment. If you’ve played the Nameless One until your hands bled (like me), you might…

Minor Site Change a Comin’!

Expect a new subsite suffix soon for each of our featured games… RPGVault.com has the different “vaults” for their games… Atriarch Vault to name one. Planet “name your game” has the prefix “Planet.” PlanetQuake, PlanetUno (kidding on that one). We’re…

Shadowbane Preview

For those that celebrate Christmas, here on this Christmas Eve Eve, the 23rd, some Shadowbane news. A 2 page preview from ActionTrip.com of this guild-centric MMORPG, including about 8 screenshots (I don’t think they are new but could be wrong).…

Fallout Tactics, the Demo is Here

That’s right. A game that I usually don’t mention here on the site, us being somewhat RPG-centric with a tinge of whatever looks good or interesting =) (this game falling into both categories), the strategical game set in the Fallout…

UWO: Origin Revealed

The new preview trailer in Quicktime format of the MMORPG (that was being demolished in our soon-to-come-back better-than-ever MMORPG poll… what happened Origin fans?) Ultima Worlds Online: Origin has been released in three sizes. The easy-to-swallow small trailer (~8MB), the…

GameBanshee Feature: Pool of Radiance First Look

AD&D 3rd Edition coming at ya. GameBanshee presents a look at the upcoming 3rd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game from Stormfront Studios and brought to us by SSI, Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. You’ll find more than…

Sharky’s Picks of the Year

Hey, there will be no relief from these kinds of things even in January. It takes usually until February for most of the “Best of the Year” awards to dwindle down to dryness… not that it’s bad or anything. Who…