

Star Wars: The Old Republic Interview

BioWare Austin has been cranking out episodic content for Star Wars: The Old Republic since the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire last year, and will be bringing us the next installment, Mandalore’s Revenge, on June 3rd. To better understand why…

Star Trek Online Coming to Consoles

Perfect World and Cryptic Studios have announced plans to follow-up on their console success with Neverwinter by bringing Star Trek Online to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this Fall, as well. Not only will console gamers get to…

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine Previews

While we continue to contain our excitement for a couple more weeks until the release of CD Projekt RED’s Blood and Wine expansion for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, there are at least a few more hands-on previews of the add-on to take in while…

Tom Clancy’s The Division v1.2 Patch Detailed

After watching Ubisoft and Massive’s recent “State of the Game” Twitch stream for Tom Clancy’s The Division, Forbes has “dissected” the video and summarized the primary highlights of what’s to come to the shooter/RPG in a set of header-laden paragraphs.…

Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 31 Released

Umber Hulks have officially reared their mandible-sporting heads in Dungeons & Dragons Online, as Turbine has released Update 31: Gnomework for the venerable MMORPG and ushered in the classic creature (within The Temple of Elemental Evil, no less), a handful…

The Future of the ARPG

If not for the contributions of David Brevik, the Schaefer brothers, and Stieg Hedlund in the early days of the Diablo series, the action RPG scene that we’ve come to know and love would likely be considerably different, if existing…

GB Feature: Stellaris First Impressions

Paradox Interactive hooked us up with an early copy of Stellaris, and while we were relatively skeptical about whether it would feature the promised dose of RPG elements, it’s pretty difficult to turn down an expansive strategy title that at least…

The Current State of Diablo III

I haven’t fired up Diablo III since playing through Reaper of Souls a few times in the first couple of months after its debut, so it’s safe to say that I wouldn’t be the best person to share feedback on…