Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher Peek #1

RPGVault has posted the first installment of a new “Peek” feature for CD Projekt’s The Witcher, offering some details about how the game’s artists developed the visual concept for the title character. Here’s a snip: In the very beginning, we…

The Witcher Screenshot of the Week #2

Just as they promised last week, CD Projekt has posted another screenshot from The Witcher on the game’s official website, which once again depicts King Foltest’s castle.

The Witcher Screenshot of the Week #1

CD Projekt’s official website for The Witcher has been updated with the news that they’ll be posting an exclusive screenshot each week, with the first depicting “King Foltest’s Throne Room”.

The Witcher Interview, Part Three

RPGVault has released the third installment to their interview concerning CD Projekt’s recently announced RPG, The Witcher. Once again, both studio director Michal Kicinski and external designer Ryslaw Chojnowski answer questions about the game. Here’s a little something to get…

The Witcher Interview, Part Two

RPGVault has released the second installment to their interview concerning CD Projekt’s recently announced RPG, The Witcher. This time, both studio director Michal Kicinski and external designer Ryslaw Chojnowski answer questions about the game. A snippet: Q: What about secondary…

The Witcher Interview, Part One

RPGVault has begun a new set of interviews, this time with CD Projekt’s Michal Kicinski about their recently announced RPG, The Witcher. In the first installment, Michal discusses the game’s features, environments, structure, and more. Take a look: Q: Within…

The Witcher Preview

Silven Crossroads has written up a two-page preview of The Witcher, recapping what is known about the RPG so far. An excerpt to follow: The main character is a monster-slayer (think Buffy, kind of, but. different). A member of the…

The Witcher Website Launches

CD Projekt has launched their official website for The Witcher, offering a look into the game world, its history, inhabitants, characters, and more. There’s also some new screenshots and other artwork for the RPG, so be sure to check it…

The Witcher E3 Preview

ToTheGame has put together a preview of The Witcher, based upon what they saw of the RPG at this year’s E3. Check it out: Being labeled as an action/RPG, CD Projekt wanted to make the combat system more than just…

The Witcher E3 Preview & Gameplay Footage

The Neverwinter Vault is offering up a preview of CD Projekt’s The Witcher, along with some gameplay footage of the game from the E3 floor. Here’s a snip from the preview: Conversations are handled very much like Jade Empire, and…