This guide is an overview of a certain location in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is comprised of a map, map legend, and walkthrough of all the various points.
1 – Dulcinea Windmill
This is where you’ll start out in Toussaint. You’ll fight a giant here during the quest The Beast of Toussaint.
2 – Rivecalme Storehouse
At this site, you’ll meet a wine merchant who will give you the quest Vintner’s Contract: Rivecalme Storehouse.
3 – The Cockatrice Inn
Inside the Cockatrice Inn, you’ll meet an innkeep. He’ll have food and alcohol for sale. He’ll also play you at gwent for up to 100 crowns per game. If you beat him, then you’ll win the Skellige card Clan Drummond Shield Maiden (melee 4 tight bond).
Outside the inn, you’ll find a notice board. It can give you five quests: Big Game Hunter, Gwent: To Everything — Turn, Turn, Tournament, Knight for Hire, Mutual of Beauclair’s Wild Kingdom, and Wine Wars: Belgaard (Part 1).
4 – Guarded Treasure
After defeating a pair of level 38 archespores here, you’ll find a corpse holding a Letter on Elegant Stationery and a Heavy Brass Key. This is a part of the quest Wine Wars: Vermentino.
5 – Vermentino Vineyard
This vineyard is involved in the quest Wine Wars: Vermentino.
6 – The Prophet Lebioda’s Footsteps
These sites are involved in the quest(s) Big Feet to Fill.
7 – Hidden Treasure
At this spot you’ll discover a corpse being guarded by three barghests (specters). After defeating the barghests, you’ll find Alistair Carnarvon’s Journal and a Key on the corpse. Reading the journal will trigger the quest The Curse of Carnarvon.
8 – Castel Ravello Vineyard
This vineyard is involved in the quest Wine is Sacred. You’ll find two things of interest here:
9 – Chuchote Cave
Outside the cave here, you’ll meet a wine merchant who will give you the quest Vintner’s Contract: Chuchote Cave. You’ll also meet Count Beledal nearby. He’s involved in the quest Big Game Hunter.
10 – Abandoned Site (Logging Camp)
You’ll encounter two level 38 archespores here. Killing them will cause the workers to return to their jobs. You’ll need to clear this site for the quest Wine Wars: Vermentino.
11 – Abandoned Site (Cutterin Manor)
You’ll encounter two level 47 wraiths and a level 47 spriggan here. Killing them will cause the workers to return to their jobs. You’ll need to clear this site for the quest Knight for Hire.
12 – Hidden Treasure
At this site you’ll encounter a level 47 wraith and discover a corpse hanging from a tree. After defeating the wraith, when you loot the corpse you’ll find the Journal of a Desperate Man. Reading the journal will trigger the quest The Suffering of Young Francois.
13 – Fort Astre Ruins
These ruins are involved in the quest Wine is Sacred.
14 – Bandit Camp
After killing the bandits here, when you loot their camp you’ll find the diagram for
Toussaint Knight’s Tourney Gauntlets in a chest.
15 – Person in Distress (Armorer)
You’ll find the Vermentino armorer being held here by three level 37 bandits. When you free him, he’ll head over to Vermentino Vineyard (#5), where he’ll get back to work (as a journeyman). You’ll need to complete this rescue for the quest Wine Wars: Vermentino.
16 – Abandoned Site (Fox Hollow)
When you arrive in Fox Hollow, you’ll discover that several level 44 bandits have taken over the town. Defeating them will allow the peasants to return to their homes and also re-open the Ruddy Brush Auberge. You’ll need to clear this site for the quest Knight for Hire.
17 – Lynx Crag
At the top of this crag, you’ll discover a witch’s hut. The witch is involved in the quest A Knight’s Tales.
To the north and south of the crag, you’ll find two entrances leading to the same cave. Inside the cave, you’ll encounter two level 40 kikimore workers and one level 40 kikimore warrior.
Inside the witch’s hut, you can find one random armor dye formula (likely gray). Then next to the northern cave entrance, you can find another one (likely brown).
18 – Bandit Camp / Cave / Hanse Base
Just outside the cave here, you’ll encounter a few level 48 bandits at a camp. They’ll be doing laundry as punishment for screwing up a meal. Then inside the cave, you’ll encounter lots more level 48 bandits, including the bandit leader Loth Halfbreed in the very back (at the hanse base marker). Loth will almost always try strong attacks against you, so he should be easy to counterattack.
When Loth dies, he’ll drop Loth’s Diary and a Rust-Covered Key (which will unlock the back entrance to the cave), and when you loot his chamber, you’ll also find the diagrams for
Toussaint Color Guardsman’s Trousers,
Toussaint Ducal Guard Officer’s Boots, and
Viroledan Blade.
After defeating Loth, when you exit his chamber, guardsmen will show up and take over the cave. They’ll have a journeyman armorer with them. He’ll set up shop by the armorer’s table and grindstone.
You’ll need to clear out the hanse base / cave for the quest Knight for Hire.
19 – Knight Errant in Distress
At this bandit camp, you’ll discover a knight errant battling three level 48 bandits. You’ll need to save the knight for the quest Knight for Hire. After the battle, when you loot the camp you’ll find the diagrams for
Toussaint Knight’s Armor and
Toussaint Knight’s Trousers.
20 – Cave / Hidden Treasure
In this part of the map, you’ll discover a cave. Its entrance will be blocked, but casting Aard will clear the way. Inside the cave, you’ll find several containers of random loot.
Near the cave to the southeast, you’ll discover a cottage being guarded by three level 37 rotfiends. You’ll need to defeat the rotfiends for the quest Wine Wars: Vermentino.
21 – Prophet Lebioda Statue / Abandoned Temple
You’ll assist in the construction of the statue here during the quest(s) Big Feet to Fill.
Next to the statue to the west, you’ll find an Abandoned Temple to the Prophet Lebioda. Inside, you’ll be blocked by a broken door, but casting Aard will clear the way and allow you to go through.
In the next room, you’ll encounter the Great Beggar’s Ghost. After defeating it, when you search its chamber you’ll discover a skeleton with the
Bones of the Great Beggar. Picking up the bones will trigger the quest The Words of the Prophets Are Written on Sarcophagi. Also in the room, you’ll find a small chest containing The Great Beggar’s Journal and the diagrams for
Manticore Boots and
Manticore Trousers.
22 – Plegmund’s Bridge
This site is involved in the Wine Wars quest line. You’ll also find a notice board here, which can give you the quests Big Game Hunter, Gwent: To Everything — Turn, Turn, Tournament, Knight for Hire, Mutual of Beauclair’s Wild Kingdom, and Wine Wars: Belgaard (Part 1).
23 – Coronata Vineyard
This vineyard is involved in the quest Wine Wars: Coronata.
24 – Hidden Treasure / Cave Entrance
At this location, you’ll discover a shipwreck and an underwater cave. They’re both involved in the quest What Was This About Again?
25 – Bandit Camp
After killing the level 40 bandits here, you’ll find the diagram for
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman’s Armor in a chest by the fire pit.
26 – Abandoned Site (The Silver Salamander Inn)
You’ll encounter about a dozen level 40 bandits here. After defeating them, the peasants will return to work, including an innkeep who will sell you food and alcohol. You’ll need to clear this site for the quest Knight for Hire.
27 – Hanse Base / Arthach Palace Ruins
You’ll encounter a multitude of level 40 bandits and hounds at this site, including their leader Antoine “Starling” Straggen. When Straggen goes down, you’ll find the diagrams for
Toussaint Ducal Guard Captain’s Gauntlets and
Toussaint Knight’s Steel Sword on his bed. You’ll also find the diagrams for
Grandmaster Feline Boots and
Grandmaster Feline Trousers in a chest by the signal fire, plus possibly a random armor dye formula in a sack in the northeastern part of the base.
When you exit Straggen’s chamber, ducal guards will show up and take over the base. They’ll have a journeyman blacksmith with them, who will set up shop by the armorer’s table and grindstone.
You’ll need to clear this site for the quest Knight for Hire.
28 – Guarded Treasure
You’ll encounter some level 36 kikimore workers at the former bandit camp here. After defeating them, when you loot the camp you’ll find the diagram for
Toussaint Knight’s Gauntlets in a chest.
29 – Guarded Treasure
You’ll encounter a pack of level 40 wild dogs at the former bandit camp here. After defeating them, when you loot the camp you’ll find the diagram for
Toussaint Knight’s Boots in a chest.
30 – Person in Distress / Villa Vedette
When you arrive at the villa here, you’ll discover that it’s walled and that the entrance is locked. To get inside, you’ll need to head over to the southeastern corner of the walls, where you’ll find some scaffolding. The scaffolding will allow you to climb up and over the walls.
Inside the villa, you’ll encounter a handful of level 40 bandits. Defeating them will free a clerk, who will turn into a merchant. When you loot the remains of the bandits, you’ll find the Key to Villa Vedette, which will unlock the entrance. If you search the grounds, then you’ll also find the diagram for
Grandmaster Feline Armor behind a painting in the northwestern building.
31 – Person in Distress / Cave
In this part of the map, you’ll discover two entrances to a cave. Inside the cave, you’ll find an herbalist being held captive by three bandits. You’ll need to rescue the herbalist for the quest Wine Wars: Coronata. Once rescued, the herbalist will travel to Coronata Vineyard (#23) and set up shop.
32 – Monster Den / The Pits of Brume
Inside the cave here, you’ll encounter a pair of level 37 archespores, but they won’t be together, so you should be able to defeat them easily, provided you have some
Golden Oriole around. Then in the back of the cave, you’ll find a knapsack containing the diagrams for
Grandmaster Feline Gauntlets,
Grandmaster Feline Silver Sword, and
Grandmaster Feline Steel Sword.
33 – Trading Post
This abandoned trading post is involved in the quest Mutual of Beauclair’s Wild Kingdom.
34 – Guarded Treasure
You’ll encounter two level 38 archespores here. You’ll need to clear this site for the quest Wine Wars: Coronata.
35 – Hidden Treasure / Bandit Camp
After defeating the level 44 bandits here, when you search their camp you’ll find a chest containing a Key to Travel Chest, an Unfinished Report, and the diagram for
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman’s Trousers. Reading the report will trigger the quest Around the World in… Eight Days.
36 – Abandoned Site
If you kill the level 38 archespore here, then the peasants will return to work. You’ll need to clear this site for the quest Wine Wars: Coronata.
37 – Hidden Treasure
At this site, you’ll encounter a pair of level 37 rabid rock trolls. After the battle, you’ll find a dead man nearby. He’ll have a Letter to Cosmo Cyrille in his possession. Reading the letter will trigger the quest Coin Doesn’t Stink. In the wreckage around the man, you might also find a random armor dye formula.
38 – Cave
Outside this cave, you’ll meet a wine merchant. He’ll give you the quest Vintner’s Contract: Dun Tynne Hillside.
39 – Guarded Treasure / Olive Grove
When you arrive at the olive grove here, you’ll meet a hooded woman mourning a dead man. On the dead man, you’ll find lots of loot, including the diagram for
Toussaint Color Guardsman’s Armor and Sir Christophe Dugarry’s Diary, which will hint that his lover Seraphine was seduced by a vampire. After reading the diary, the woman will turn into a bruxa and attack you. Bruxae are vampires, so if you use
Black Blood and
Vampire Oil when the battle starts, then you’ll have a much easier time.
40 – Pinastri’s Hut / Cave
You’ll meet Pinastri in front of her hut. She’s an herbalist, and she’ll give you the quest Equine Phantoms. Next to Pinastri’s hut, you’ll find the cave where she stores her
41 – Monster Den (Werewolf)
Inside this den, along with level 35 wolves and level 37 wargs, you’ll encounter a level 40 werewolf. After defeating it, when you search the rest of the den you’ll find the diagram for the silver sword
Gesheft. There’s also a chance you’ll find a random armor dye formula here (probably red).
42 – Danamebi Temple Ruins
These ruins are involved in the quest Spoontaneous Profits.
43 – Bandit Camp
You’ll encounter a trio of level 40 bandits here. After defeating them, you’ll find a chest full of valuables at their feet, and if you explore the lake to the north, then you’ll find more loot, including the diagram for
Manticore Gauntlets.
44 – Abandoned Site (Basane Farm)
At this site you’ll encounter a single level 48 werewolf. After defeating him, the peasants and a barber will return to work. You’ll need to clear this site for the quest Knight for Hire.
45 – Monster Den (Fleder / Garkain)
Inside this den, you’ll encounter a level 44 fleder and a level 44 garkain. They’re both vampires, so use
Black Blood and
Vampire Oil before facing them. After the battle, you’ll find the corpse of Votty Gerek. He’ll have the diagram for
Toussaint Color Guardsman’s Boots in his possession.
You’ll only be able to reach the back of the den via a secret entrance in the hanse base to the south (#47).
46 – Bandit Camp
After defeating the bandits in this camp, you’ll find the diagram for
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman’s Boots in a chest by the bonfire.
47 – Hanse Base / Mont Crane Castle
You’ll encounter a horde of level 40 bandits and hounds at the castle here, including their leader Filibert Fourfingers at the top of the walls. After defeating Filibert, you’ll find the diagrams for
Toussaint Knight’s Boots and
Toussaint Knight’s Trousers in his “bedroom,” and you might find a random armor dye formula (probably white) there as well. Then when you exit the encounter area, ducal guards will take over the castle. They’ll have a journeyman armorer with them, who will set up shop next to the armorer’s table and grindstone. You’ll need to clear out the bandits for the quest Knight for Hire.
On the ground level of the castle, you’ll detect an illusionary wall. If you have
The Eye of Nehaleni with you, then you’ll be able to dispel the illusion, which will grant you access to the castle’s basement. Inside the basement, you’ll find a
Power Crystal, which will allow you to activate a portal (by placing the crystal into the receptacle next to the portal and using Aard on it). You might also find a random armor dye formula (probably pink) on a table.
When you go through the portal, you’ll encounter a level 40 golem. Past it, you’ll discover Moreau’s lab, where you’ll find the diagrams for
Grandmaster Griffin Armor,
Grandmaster Griffin Silver Sword, and
Grandmaster Griffin Trousers. You’ll also find another illusionary wall in the back of the lab. Dispelling it will allow you to enter a nearby monster den (#45).
48 – Guarded Treasure
After defeating the level 44 slyzard here, you’ll find a corpse holding the diagram for
Toussaint Ducal Guard Officer’s Gauntlets near its nest.
49 – Knight Errant in Distress
At the camp here, you’ll discover a knight errant battling three level 44 bandits. After defeating the bandits, when you loot the camp you’ll find the diagram for the steel sword Faithful Friend in a chest. You’ll need to save the knight for the quest Knight for Hire.
50 – Mont Crane Cemetery
This cemetery is involved in the quest Equine Phantoms.
51 – Monster Den (Kikimores)
You’ll discover two entrances to this den. Inside, you’ll encounter several level 44 kikimore workers and warriors. Then in the back of the den, you’ll find a kikimore nest, which you’ll need to destroy, and the corpse of Aubin Rodier, who will have the diagram for
Toussaint Ducal Guardsman’s Steel Sword in his possession.
52 – Dun Tynne Castle
This castle is involved in the quest Capture the Castle.
53 – Cave
Outside this cave, you’ll encounter a pair of level 37 archespores. Inside the cave, you’ll only find the corpse of a strange creature. This is a reference to one of the Witcher books.
G – Guarded Treasure
M – Monster Nest / Vineyard Infestation
P – Place of Power