The Tufo Monster – Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a contract quest in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest the tufo monster map

1 – Flovive
2 – Weak Cellar Wall
3 – Weak Tunnel Wall
4 – Kikimore Nest
5 – Ground Cracks
6 – Picnic Site
7 – Shaelmaar Lair


  1. Tofu Vineyard / cellar entrance.
  2. Cave entrances.


You’ll trigger this quest by reading the note “Contract: The Monster of Tufo” on the notice board in Flovive in Toussaint South (#1).


From the note, you’ll learn that some “monstrosity” is plaguing Tufo Vineyard (Exit A). When you head over there, you’ll meet Monsieur de Bourbeau. He’ll tell you that one of his workers has gone missing, and that scratching noises have been coming from the wine cellar at night. He’ll then give you the Key to the Tufo Cellar so you can investigate.

When you enter the cellar at night, you won’t find much of interest — just some broken dishes and rat droppings — but while you’re looking around, a rumbling noise will start up, and a wall of the cellar (#2) will weaken, allowing you to break it open with Aard. In the tunnels beyond, you’ll encounter some level 47 kikimore workers and a level 48 kikimore warrior, and you’ll find their nest (#4), complete with numerous eggs (mostly to the north and west). If you destroy the eggs using Igni, then you’ll receive 100 crowns and 200 xp from Bourbeau when you return to him.

When you examine the kikimore nest, you’ll discover that something large has been eating the kikimore eggs, and that it’s been digging the tunnels beneath the vineyard. Nearby, you’ll also find evidence of an underground stream (#5). When you head back to the cellar to report your findings to Bourbeau, you’ll finally meet his wife. She’ll tell you a little about Jean-Luc, the farmhand who disappeared. Among other things, you’ll learn that Jean-Luc was wearing a Silver Pendant.

When you head over to the place where Jean-Luc was last seen (#6), you’ll spot evidence of a picnic, and you’ll detect a man’s and a woman’s footprints. The woman’s footprints won’t lead you to anything, but if you follow the man’s, then you’ll discover blood, a partially-eaten foot, and the monster’s tracks. When you follow the tracks, you’ll pass by some downed trees, and you’ll realize that you’re dealing with a shaelmaar. The tracks will eventually take you to a cave.

Inside the cave (Exit B), you’ll be able to continue following the monster’s tracks. They’ll take you south to the shaelmaar’s lair (#7). Inside the lair, you’ll find Jean-Luc’s body on the eastern side. He’ll have a Silver Pendant next to him, which interestingly will contain a lock of Bourbeau’s wife’s hair. When you examine Jean-Luc, you’ll pick up Fresh Human Blood.

To draw the shaelmaar to you, you’ll need to craft some Shaelmaar Bait, which you’ll automatically learn the recipe for. The recipe will only require the Fresh Human Blood from Jean-Luc plus some Sewant Mushrooms, which you’ll find in the cave. When you craft the bait, you’ll automatically equip it as a tool. Then you’ll just need to use the bait at five designated spots in the lair. If you’re not sure about the proper places, then just make this quest your active quest and the interface will show you.

When the shaelmaar arrives, you should just treat it like any other shaelmaar. That is, you should stay far away from it and stand next to a wall. That way you’ll avoid its special attacks, and when it rolls itself at you, you’ll be able to dodge out of the way. If the shaelmaar misses you and hits the wall, then it’ll fall onto its back, stunned, and you’ll be able to whack it a few times with your sword. It shouldn’t take too many of these episodes to finish it off.

When the shaelmaar dies, you’ll find a Shaelmaar Trophy and a leveled version of the silver sword Ami on its corpse. When you show the trophy to Bourbeau (who will still be in the cellar), he’ll pay you your negotiated fee, and you’ll also earn 400 xp. If you give the Silver Pendant to Bourbeau and tell him that his wife was having an affair, then you’ll earn an additional 100 crowns and 50 xp. If you instead give the pendant to Bourbeau’s wife (who will be at the manse at the southern side of the vineyard), then you’ll earn 120 crowns and 200 xp.

Note: Killing the shaelmaar will earn you the Valor virtue for the quest There Can Be Only One. Giving the Silver Pendant to Madame de Bourbeau will earn you the Compassion virtue.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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