The Truth Is in the Stars – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest the truth is in the stars map

1 – Oxenfurt
2 – Benek
3 – Cave


You’ll trigger this quest when you read the “Careful! There’s a Swindler About” note on the notice board in Oxenfurt in Velen North (#1).


The note will indicate that the Old Sage in Benek (aka Benkelham) is a swindler. When you to go Benek (#2) and meet the sage, you’ll discover that the note is mostly correct. The sage will ask you for food in exchange for your fortune, but instead of describing your future, he’ll tell you your past (the lily is Foltest and the viper is Letho). When you call the sage on this, he’ll admit that his sight isn’t as strong as it once was, and he’ll ask you to get him some Dragonsroot, which you can find in a cave to the southeast.

Inside the cave (#3), you’ll have to kill some ghouls, but you’ll find the Dragonsroot in the back near a corpse. When you deliver the root to the sage, he’ll finally give you a true reading. He’ll tell you about the wolf (you) chasing the swallow (Ciri), and about an ice age that’s on the way (Ithlinne’s prophecy). This interaction will complete the quest and earn you 50 xp.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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