The Sunstone – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest of the Witcher 3 endgame. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest the sunstone map

1 – Kaer Trolde Docks
2 – Kaer Muire
3 – Ermion
4 – Arinbjorn
5 – Underwater Cave
6 – Siren / Drowner Battle
7 – Broken Stairs
8 – Arachas Lair
9 – Hidden Treasure
10 – Golem
11 – Blood-Locked Door
12 – Mirror Chamber
13 – Platform / Exit
P – Place of Power
$ – Treasure Chest


  1. Ancient crypt entrance.
  2. Crypt exit.


For this quest, you’ll need to find the Sunstone, which was long ago hidden somewhere in the Skellige Isles. To learn more about the stone, you’ll need to talk to archdruid Ermion, but to find Ermion, you’ll need to talk to Crach at the Kaer Trolde docks (#1). Crach will tell you that he sent Ermion to negotiate with Madman Lugos at Kaer Muire to the south.

At Kaer Muire (#2), you’ll witness Lugos informing Ermion that he’ll never serve Crach or the an Craites, even against Emperor Emhyr’s invading troops. Then when Lugos spots you, he’ll assume that Crach sent you to kill him, and he and his men will turn hostile. This might be a tough fight since you’ll potentially have to deal with all of the soldiers in the keep, but Ermion will help you out, and he can hold his own. So if you get into trouble, then just hide behind Ermion and let him do all of the heavy lifting.

After the battle, when you catch back up with Ermion (#3), he’ll tell you that he doesn’t know anything about the Sunstone, but he’ll direct you to two people who might:

  • The bard Eyvind. You’ll find him just to the west of Arinbjorn (#4), watching the seas for the arrival of the legendary white whale Gevorg. When you ask him about the elven ruins where the Sunstone might be located, he’ll only help you out if you claim that you’re writing an adventure novel. It won’t make any difference if you point out the whale to him. He’ll miss it regardless.
  • The pearl divers Erling and Matthias Fishlung. You’ll find them in an underwater cave (#5). They’ll be looting corpses when you arrive, and when you promise not to tell Ermion about their activities, they’ll tell you where to find the elven ruins.

After learning about the elven ruins, you’ll need to return to Avallac’h’s ship at the Kaer Trolde docks (#1), where you’ll find Yennefer in conference with Ciri and Philippa. The trio will be discussing Avallac’h and how he apparently has a secret laboratory in Skellige. Ciri will want to go there and snoop around, to see if Avallac’h is hiding anything from her. This will trigger the quest Child of the Elder Blood.

To continue searching for the Sunstone, you’ll need to head to the elven ruins — aka the ancient crypt (Exit A). When you get there, you’ll meet Philippa out front, and she’ll open the way for you. Inside, Philippa will lead you straight to the mirror chamber. Along the way you’ll do some fighting (#6, #10), you’ll pass over a broken staircase (#7), and you’ll go through a blood-locked door (#11). But you don’t have to follow right behind Philippa. If you explore the crypt thoroughly, then you’ll get to use a Place of Power (P), uncover a Hidden Treasure (#9), and loot some random treasure chests ($, #8).

When you reach the mirror chamber (#12), Philippa will enchant the crystal in the ceiling, which will proceed to send light down to three mirrors. You’ll then be tasked with adjusting the mirrors “properly” without being given any hint about what you’re trying to accomplish. While you’re monkeying with the mirrors, Philippa will move over to a platform (#13), and if you follow her there, then she’ll mention that the platform is where the elven magic is strongest.

So what you’ll need to do is direct the beam of light from the crystal through the three mirrors and then to the platform. You can do this by moving each mirror once. The proper arrangement is shown on the map above.

When the light shines on the platform, the Sunstone will appear there, and Philippa will pick it up. Then when you make your way over there, Philippa will hand over the Sunstone before departing. This will complete the quest and earn you 300 xp. To escape from the crypt, you can either go back the way you came, or you can use the newly-opened door on the platform and exit that way (via Exit B).

1 – Kaer Trolde Docks

2 – Kaer Muire

3 – Ermion

4 – Arinbjorn

5 – Underwater Cave

6 – Siren / Drowner Battle

7 – Broken Stairs

8 – Arachas Lair

Inside this chamber you’ll encounter a level 28 venomous arachas, but defeating it will allow you to loot three nearby random treasure chests.

9 – Hidden Treasure

When you enter the room here, you’ll discover that the floor is covered in spike traps. You might also notice a corpse near the entrance holding an Elven-Made Key and a locked chest near the far wall. There are two ways to get past the traps so you can loot the chest:

  • If you turn on your witcher senses and cast Aard at the traps, then you’ll see a safe path you can take through them. The only problem is, since Geralt’s movement controls are so horrible, you’ll probably hit the traps anyway, even if you’re walking.
  • The other method is more straightforward. You can just cast Quen on yourself and then run towards the traps and jump twice. You’ll probably take some damage but survive.

The treasure chest will have random equipment inside, and next to it you’ll find a lever that you can pull to turn off the traps.

10 – Golem

You’ll encounter a level 28 golem here. In the room behind it you’ll find a chest containing a leveled version of the silver sword Naevde Seidhe.

11 – Blood-Locked Door

12 – Mirror Chamber

13 – Platform / Exit

P – Place of Power

$ – Treasure Chest


  1. Ancient crypt entrance.
  2. Crypt exit.
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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