The Oxenfurt Drunk – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a contract side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of Velen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest the oxenfurt drunk map

1 – Notice Board
2 – Nikolas Friedman
3 – The Alchemy
4 – Morgue
5 – Hut


You’ll trigger this quest by reading the “Contract: Monster in Oxenfurt” note on the notice board in Oxenfurt in Velen North (#1).


When you read the note, you’ll learn that there’s a “monster” in Oxenfurt who has “befouled the cradle of human intellect.” To find out what that means, you’ll need to talk to a Redanian officer named Nikolas Friedman at the docks (#2). He’ll tell you that some creature has been attacking solitary townspeople and leaving the corpses in the gutter. He’ll also mention that one woman survived an attack.

You’ll have two ways to investigate the murders:

  • You can talk to the witness. You’ll find her at the Alchemy (#3). She’ll demand a drink from you, so you can either pay her 30 crowns for it, or you can use Axii / Delusion on her. The woman won’t be of much help. She’ll just say that the creature was in a dark alley and called her name, and that she ran away when it grabbed at her skirt. You’ll find the alley just to the north of the inn. When you search it using your witcher senses, you’ll spot a worn silver bracelet, and you’ll speculate that it must have been dropped by the attacker.
  • You can examine the victims. To do this, you’ll need to talk to the Redanian medic (#4), who will give you the key to the nearby morgue. Inside the morgue, you’ll find the bodies of two victims, and you’ll notice fang marks on their necks.

After spotting the bracelet and examining the bodies, you’ll deduce that a katakan must have been responsible for the attacks, and that it has fondness for blood with a high alcohol content. This will earn you 25 xp.

To lure out the katakan, you’ll need to return to the Alchemy (#3) and talk to Stjepan the bartender. When you tell him that you want to get drunk on cheap wine, he’ll charge you 50 crowns, and then he’ll start pouring. This will get the job done, and when you exit the inn, you’ll be staggering around. You’ll then just need to circle around the inn in a counterclockwise fashion, singing bawdy songs as you go. Eventually, Gael the katakan will attack you, but he’ll flee once you’ve done a little bit of damage to him.

To track down Gael, you’ll need to turn on your witcher senses. This will allow you to hear his movements, and these sounds will lead you to a hut by the river (#5). The hut will be locked, but on one side of it you’ll find a ladder that will get you inside. When you enter the hut, Gael will attack you, so be sure you have Vampire Oil applied to your silver sword and your Igni sign ready to go.

When Gael dies, he’ll drop a Katakan Mutagen, a Katakan Trophy, a leveled version of the sword Deargdeith, and the key to the hut. Then when you show the trophy to Friedman (#2), he’ll pay you your negotiated fee, and you’ll also earn 300 xp.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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