The Night of Long Fangs – Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest the night of long fangs map

1 – Palace
2 – Katakan / Delwyn of Creigiau
3 – Garkain
4 – Bruxa
5 – Fountain
6 – Bruxa and Alp
7 – Market
8 – Orianna’s Estate
9 – Looters


At the start of this quest, you’ll get summoned by the duchess, who will proceed to chew you out for not yet catching and killing Dettlaff (#1). But then a guardsman will stumble in and announce that vampires are attacking the city. Right on cue, a bruxa will appear, and Regis will escort the duchess to safety while you deal with the beast.

This bruxa is much like the one you faced at Corvo Bianco during the quest The Beast of Toussaint. She’ll turn invisible and try to get you into melee range so she can deliver a combination of devastating melee attacks. So only get close to her when you’re moving in for an attack, and be sure to use Vampire Oil and Black Blood. When you defeat the bruxa, you’ll earn 200 xp.

After the battle, Regis will return to you, and you’ll work out that there are two ways to proceed. You can liberate Syanna from the palace and send her to Tesham Mutna to fulfill Dettlaff’s demand, or you can force Dettlaff to show himself so you can face him in battle. Or you can tell Regis that you’re not sure yet. Regardless of what you say now, you’ll be able to change your mind later.

As you make your way out of the palace and into the main part of Beauclair, you’ll run into a variety of level 47 vampires, including some fleders, a katakan battling Delwyn of Creigiau (#2), a pair of garkains (#3), a bruxa (#4), and a bruxa with an alp (#6). You should maintain Vampire Oil on your silver sword at all times, but since you won’t be allowed to meditate, you should save your Black Blood for the tougher fights (which, depending on your level, might be everything except the fleders).

Note: Defeating the katakan (#2) will earn you the Valor virtue for the quest There Can Be Only One.

Eventually, you’ll have to decide which path to take:

  • If you want Syanna to meet with Dettlaff, then you should head to the last spot where anybody saw Damien and his men (#5). You’ll encounter a level 47 fleder there. After defeating it, you’ll find several corpses of soldiers in the area, plus footprints leading east. When you follow the footprints, they’ll take you to the market (#7), where you’ll encounter another level 47 fleder. After defeating it as well, you’ll spot Damien and his few remaining men holed up in the bank, and Damien will tell you that he saw the duchess escorting Syanna into the playroom at the palace. Learning this will earn you 200 xp.

    To let Regis know what you’re up to, you’ll need to talk to a raven. Conveniently, you’ll find one close by. Then when you return to the palace grounds (#1), you’ll get attacked by a level 47 alp, but with all the practice you’ve been getting, the alp should not be too difficult to defeat.

    When you reach the playroom, you’ll meet Regis out front. The entrance will be locked, but Regis will do his vapor trick and open it for you. Inside the playroom, you won’t see any evidence of the duchess or Syanna, so you’ll decide to turn on your witcher senses and look around. You’ll find some random toys, but also a Journal on a desk. Reading the Journal will trigger a new quest Beyond Hill and Dale. To complete this quest, you’ll need to find the Golden Key hidden behind a painting, use it to unlock a large wardrobe, and then examine the book inside.

    Note: If you want the happiest ending for the DLC, then you should read all of the entries in the Journal.
  • If you want to fight Dettlaff, then you’ll need to head over to Orianna’s estate (#8). Orianna won’t be too upset about the goings-on in the city since she’s a bruxa herself, but she’ll be worried about the orphanage she runs, and she’ll make you a deal. If you help her protect the orphanage, then she’ll tell you how to contact the Unseen Elder in the city. This meeting will earn you 200 xp, and when you reach the orphanage you’ll complete this quest and trigger the quest Blood Simple.

    Note: If you didn’t complete the quest The Warble of a Smitten Knight, then you’ll find Guillaume de Launfal’s body near the entrance to Orianna’s Estate (which is why that quest will fail).
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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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