The Isle of Mists – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest of the Witcher 3 in the area of Kaer Morhen. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest the isle of mists map

1 – Starting Point
2 – Landing Point
3 – Hut
4 – Fiend
5 – Lighthouse
6 – Bilge Hags


You’ll need to do two things for this quest: recruit some allies to help defend Kaer Morhen, and track down Ciri on the Isle of Mists. The former task is covered in the quest(s) Brothers in Arms.

To find Ciri, you’ll need to take the Magic Firefly (given to you by Avallac’h during the quest Va Fail, Elaine) with you to the Skellige Isles. Once there, you’ll need to board a boat and sail to the arch on the northern side of Undvik. When you get close, you’ll be warned 1) to save your game using a manual slot, and 2) to complete any side quests that you might still have open. Both suggestions are good advice. Most open side quests (of the non-DLC variety) will fail when you choose to continue.

When you reach the arch, you’ll release the firefly from its jar, and you’ll begin following it. This will transition you to the Isle of Mists map (#1), where the firefly will lead you to the main island (#2) and then to a hut (#3). During this trip, you’ll probably get attacked by level 19 erynias (over the water) and level 19 tangalores (on the island).

When you knock on the door of the hut, you’ll discover that there are some shipwrecked sailors hiding inside. They won’t trust you, so they’ll want you to prove that you’re not a demon before they’ll let you in. To that end, they’ll ask you to find three of their mates, who went out looking for a way to escape the island:

  • Ferenc. You’ll find his remains to the southwest (#4), the victim of a level 22 fiend. If you want, you can avenge him by killing the fiend, which you’ll encounter nearby.
  • Gaspard. You’ll find him sleeping at the top of the lighthouse (#5). When you wake him up, he’ll agree to follow you back to the hut, but he’ll warn you that he suffers from narcolepsy. As you make your way back, he’ll probably fall asleep multiple times, but to wake him up and get him moving again, you’ll just need to talk to him.
  • Ivo. You’ll find him to the north (#6), hiding from a pair of level 20 bilge hags. But when you rescue him, he’ll trip and fall to his death.

After locating the three missing sailors, when you return to the hut, the other sailors will let you in, but they’ll warn you that Ciri is dead. When you go in and check on her, the sailors will seem to be right, but then the Magic Firefly will move over to her, and Ciri will wake up. You’ll then have a long conversation with Ciri, and you’ll learn (in detail, if you’re interested) what she’s been doing recently and how Avallac’h and the Phylactery were involved.

However, when you prepare to leave the island, you’ll discover that the Wild Hunt has found you. The shipwrecked sailors will escape in your boat, so Ciri will teleport the two of you to Kaer Morhen, where you’ll have a warm reunion with Triss, Vesemir, and Yennefer. You’ll also earn 4000 xp.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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