The Cave of Dreams – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 on the Skellige Isles. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 quest the cave of dreams map

1 – Real Totem
2 – Dream Totem
3 – Bran
4 – Sirens
5 – Water Hag
6 – Madman Lugos
7 – Eredin


  1. Entrance to the Cave of Dreams.


You’ll find Blueboy Lugos on his boat next to the Cave of Dreams in Ard Skellig (Exit A). You’ll need to threaten the guards or use Axii / Delusion on them to get on board the boat, but once there talking to Lugos will trigger the quest. You can also trigger the quest at the conclusion of the quest Stranger in a Strange Land.


Lugos will tell you that he’s headed into the Cave of Dreams, and that inside he and his men will have to fight some unspecified monsters. When you convince Lugos that you’re good at killing monsters, or when you mention that his father sent you, he’ll agree to take you along. Then the two of you plus Jorulf the Wolverine and Uve Jabberjaw will head to the cave. Just before entering, Lugos will reveal that the monsters you’ll be facing are “your greatest fears.”

Inside the cave, you’ll quickly come to a totem being guarded by a handful level 14 nekker warriors (#1). After dispatching the nekkers, Lugos will have everybody drink a special concoction, which will allow you to see you fears. Drinking this mixture will shift you to the dream version of the cave (#2). You’ll also earn 25 xp.

To face the fears of your party, you’ll need to explore the dream cave. In order, you’ll encounter Bran, who is Uve’s fear (#3); sirens, who are Jorulf’s fear (#4), Madman Lugos, who is Blueboy Lugos’ fear (#5), and Eredin, the King of the Wild Hunt, who is your fear (#6). For each fear, you’ll just have to defeat some ghostly apparitions, which shouldn’t be too tough since you’ll have Lugos and his men helping you. In total, you’ll earn 230 xp for defeating the fears.

Eliminating all four fears will complete the quest and shift you back to the regular version of the cave (#1). Lugos might toss you a bag of coins at this point, but even if he does you won’t receive any crowns. However, you will earn 50 xp as your reward.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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