Tesham Mutna – Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a main quest in the Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 blood and wine quest tesham mutna map

1 – Tesham Mutna


This quest consists of one encounter at the Tesham Mutna Ruins in Toussaint South (#1). Depending upon how you got there, the quest will start out in one of two ways:

  • If you freed Syanna by completing the quest Beyond Hill and Dale, then she’ll be at Tesham Mutna along with you and Regis. When Dettlaff shows up, he’ll stab Syanna through the heart, but if you acquired the ribbon from the Little Flint Girl in the Land of a Thousand Fables, then Syanna will survive and get teleported away. Otherwise, she’ll die.

    If Syanna survives, then you’ll have to fight Dettlaff, but if Syanna dies, then you’ll be given a choice — to fight Dettlaff or allow him to walk away. For the latter, Dettlaff’s vengeance will be sated, and he’ll call off the vampires attacking the city, but you’ll get arrested for allowing Syanna to be killed, which will trigger the quest Burlap is the New Stripe.
  • If you met with the Unseen Elder by completing the quests Blood Simple and What Lies Unseen, then the Elder will summon Dettlaff to Tesham Mutna, and when he arrives, he’ll attack you and Regis.

If you have to fight Dettlaff, then the battle will proceed in three stages:

  • In the first stage, Dettlaff will start out fighting Regis. This will give you a chance to save your game, apply oil, make repairs, set up your potions, and do whatever else is necessary before joining in. When you eventually approach the battling vampires, Dettlaff will throw Regis into a wall, which will then collapse on him, leaving you alone to fight Dettlaff. Luckily, Dettlaff won’t be very complicated in this stage. He’ll teleport around, but he won’t do much damage, so you should have an easy time with him. This stage will last until you’ve taken out about a quarter of Dettlaff’s health.
  • During the second stage, Dettlaff will turn into a giant bat-like creature and begin hovering in the air. He’ll have three attacks while in this form:
    • Dettlaff will swoop down and attack you. If you’re quick, you can use Aard to knock him down and then hit him a few times while he’s stunned. This is the easiest way to damage Dettlaff.
      Dettlaff will cause blood pillars to appear on the ground. Stay well away from them. If you end up in one, then you’ll get stuck for a while, making you vulnerable to Dettlaff’s attacks.
      Dettlaff will summon bats to attack you. If you the bats hit you, then they’ll deal tremendous damage, so you’ll need to avoid them. The easiest way to do this is to watch as Dettlaff begins summoning the bats, and then dodge out of the way the moment he “shoots” them at you. This gets easier the farther away you are from Dettlaff. It might take a few tries (and deaths) before you get the dodging technique down, so make sure you have White Raffard’s Decoction as one of your hotkeyed potions.
    This stage will last until Dettlaff is down to about a third of his health. At the end of the stage, you’ll cut off Dettlaff’s wings, so he’ll be stuck on the ground again.
  • During the third and final stage, Dettlaff will transform into a big, bloody creature, and you’ll fight inside his “heart.” However, you don’t need to attack Dettlaff himself. Instead, you should focus on the four bloody bags on the four sides of the heart. Damaging them will also damage Dettlaff. So you’ll just need to dodge around, hit a bag until Dettlaff reaches you, and then dodge some more. Once you’ve done enough damage, Dettlaff will begin stumbling around, and you’ll just need to hit him one more time to defeat him.

    Note: Defeating Dettlaff will earn you the Valor virtue for the quest There Can Be Only One.

https://0aa11463ee8827bce7ee140d4f8741dc.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-40/html/container.htmlAt the end of the battle, you’ll help Regis to his feet. He’ll then shoo you away and kill Dettlaff. This will complete the quest and earn you 1000 xp. If Syanna died during the quest, then you’ll get arrested for disobeying the duchess, and you’ll move on to Burlap is the New Stripe. Otherwise, you’ll start Pomp and Strange Circumstance.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
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