Temerian Valuables and Deserter Gold – Witcher 3 Quest

This guide is a walkthrough of a side quest in the Witcher 3 for the area of White Orchard. The guide is composed of a map, map legend, and walkthrough to show readers exactly where to go and what to do to complete the quest.

witcher 3 novigrad quest temerian valuables and deserter gold map

1 – Locked Chest
2 – Mill
3 – Spy’s Camp


The treasure hunts Temerian Valuables and Deserter Gold both lead to the same treasure, so we’re covering both on this page.

Temerian Valuables

You’ll find a locked chest in the river by the bridge next to the Nilfgaardian garrison in White Orchard (#1). To open the chest, you’ll need to retrieve the Temerian Lily Key from the corpse on the west bank. Inside the chest you’ll discover some Blood-Soaked Military Orders. Picking up the orders will trigger the treasure hunt.

To find the lost valuables, you’ll need to head over to the mill (#2). Inside the northern building there, you’ll find a few boards blocking the stairs to the cellar. After knocking the boards aside, you’ll need to use the Aard sign to blast open the cellar door. Inside the cellar, you’ll find the Temerian valuables. Most of the loot will be random, but you’re guaranteed to find Temerian Rye (x5) and a Soaked Letter. The letter will give you an idea about how the valuables came to be in the cellar.

Note: After looting the chest in the river, the quest will tell you to use your witcher senses to find the valuables, but this never worked for us. We just relied on the quest marker to reveal the hiding place.

Deserter Gold

You’ll trigger this treasure hunt by reading the Spy’s Notes found in an isolated camp in the northern part of the White Orchard map (#3). The notes will mention deserters hiding “plunder” at the mill (#2), including a sealed chest. This plunder is the Temerian loot from the other treasure hunt. The only thing to note here is that you’ll need the Temerian Lily Key (#1) to open the sealed chest.

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Kelson Wonda
Kelson Wonda
Articles: 1987
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